
Monday, June 2, 2008

The Secret is in the Sauce

Oh yes, yes it is. I am proud to be "in the know" concerning this secret sauce. Two of my favorite bloggy friends, Heather and Mrs. Romero, have started a blog just for us. Women who are here to blog for/with/to/about each other. We support each other through comments/links/bloggy awards/love. Their new blog rocks! It has an awesome design...and have I mentioned the absolutely fabulous prize/giveaway going on right now?!
Come on, come all. Join the Secret today. Hurry! Giveaway ends Friday, June 6th! Click the button below now!


  1. Don't they just have the best idea? Why can't I come up with cool ideas?! :-)

  2. Hey I just found you over at the SITS blog. I love your blog! I especially like the post about your dad. How sweet. I just lost my dad to lung cancer on
    April 18th. It was the hardest thing I have ever endured. I am so happy to hear there is someone out there who actually beat cancer! Oh and I am going to try your meatloaf.

  3. Thank you so much for the post... maybe we could make that ADORABLE girl of yours our mascot.. the Russian Peasant outfit would probably be perfect...
    She so had the secret.

    Thanks for the support!!!

  4. Oh, and, you just got your 2 additional entries... and I'll id myself as SITS this time.. It's like having a split personality...

  5. found your blog through the "girls" I am with you, I am thinking we are jumping on the bandwagon at the right time! Your pics are beautful. Your poor girls photo shop looks like a rich girls wish she could do that photo shop! LOve the Sits blog-great way to meet new friends! Cute Kids!!

  6. I found you thought 'sits' My Hubby is also a JOHN DEERE guy. Very cute blog. I see you like to crockpot a lot!

  7. Hi I found your blog through SITS.
    Cute kids!!!
    I really like your posts, especially the recipe ones, I'm always looking for new meals.

  8. Mamhut-I am so sorry to hear about your dad. There were many times I thought we would lose my dad during those 2 major surgeries. We have been so blessed to have Dad recover and live a very active, normal life.
    Tausha-Thanks! I agree...SITS has been a great way to meet new people!
    Cookie-John Deere has taken over my life! :) I am trying to use my Crock Pot more now than I have home this summer. So far, so good!
    Tinabean-Thanks! I am glad you came over! I will be posting a new Crock Pot recipe today! :)

  9. Been there, done that, hoping to walk away with at least the tee shirt.
