
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What a difference a year makes

June 2007.....................June 2008

I took yesterday's picture knowing I had a similar one from last year. Look at my baby girl! She has grown so much in the past year. My little man has thinnned out and has gone from toddler face to big boy. Everyone always says how quickly they grow up but you don't REALLY get it until you have kids. Then you become the one saying, "Don't blink. They grow up too fast."


  1. Hello, I came over to visit via SITSer Island. Your kids are too dang cute! You MUST redo this picture very year so that you can scrapbook the heck out of it.

  2. Cool photos, your daughter has matured a lot, your son too!

    My baby is 2 and when I look at pics of my oldest when she was born she looks so young!

  3. I don't think that you could be more right! well, you are a school teacher.:) Isn't it amazing that at the time we think it's never going to end and then "in a blink" it's changed. Your kids are so super cute! Your little girl is darling!!

  4. your children are adorable! (i found you through SITS :>) i agree with carrie about an annual photo like this!

  5. Great idea for an annual photo! I really should start documenting how fast my little guy is growing too!

    I'm glad I found your blog...I'll be back soon! Don't you just love SITS?

  6. Love the yearly photo idea! I will definitely be doing it for as long as they will let me! :) I know of people who start at day one (almost!) by putting their baby next to a stuffed animal and taking a pic each month, then each year as they get older. I wish I had done that. So, if you have little babies, you might try it!
    Tausha-Telling me I am right? You are my new bff. I am right...always! Just ask my husband. ;)

  7. I just read your profile and I too have an unnatural love of office and organizational supplies! Small world!

  8. Very cute. I wish I could remember to do things like this. I ought to put it on the calendar. A friend of mine has an amazing photo of her three kids sitting on the steps to the beach...and then the same shot 10 years later. Now that is something I want to do. I ought to look back through my beach pictures to see if there are any to re-create when we go in a few weeks...

  9. You hit the nail on the head with this one! Cute idea with the comparison photos...I might have to steal that one....although my guy was only about 6 months old last DUH...of course he grew. But next year, if my "mommy brain" does cause me to forget I'll do this. :)
    By the have beautiful children!!!
