
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

OMG! I am freaking out with all the comments. You people know how to make a girl feel loved. And so for this week's Thursday are 13 things I have done while reading your fantastic comments.

1. Peed my pants

2. Giggled like a schoolgirl

3. Clapped my hands in delight

4. Grabbed my kids in bear hugs, overcome with joy

5. Grabbed the nearest cat (Noodles-yuck!) for a big fuzzy kiss

6. Neglected my they need food or water when Momma has comments to read?!

7. Swatted some you know what it's like on a 90 degree day with cows around?

8. Threw a little party for Heather and Tiffany (okay, basically I ate some chips and salsa and exclaimed, "I love Heather and Tiffany!" but that's a party in my book)

9. Wiped my tears of joy

10. Took a 5 minute break to regain my composure (and to pour more wine)

11. Took a call from my sister who had also peed her pants reading the SITS post indicating I am a wine connoisseur...she acts like wine needs to come from a fancy bottle with a cork...pashaw!

12. Looked up how to spell connoisseur

13. Laughed so hard my stomach muscles hurt...who knew there were muscles in there?


  1. This is one of the best Thursday Thirteen I've ever read (besides Kat from Sunshine and Lemonade's LOST 13). Hilarious! I'm here from SITS, and I'm impressed with their methods. I've really enjoyed your posts!

  2. i missed that you were the featured blog yesterday - sorry about that. congrats!
    i love the "chunky dunkin". if its ok - i may have to use that sometime.
    that was a great thursday thirteen too - just glad you were able to include wine in the story somewhere. everything is better with wine (cork or screw top-whatever)

  3. This is SO awesome!!! You are crackin' us up. I am so glad you are relishing in all the comment lovin'!!

    This post is a classic. For sure.

  4. That is too funny! What a fun, upbeat blog! You've got a great sense of humor!

  5. What a fun list! Thanks for the laughs.

    I love you
    I love peeing in my pants
    I love wine
    I love you
    I love flies,no I don't
    I love Heather and Tiffany too
    I love your sister

  7. have fun with the comments and stuff!

  8. Oh my goodness...we can be bff's because when all else fails, I hit the wine..and I have pics of wine on my blog too. Oh and thank you for the fabulous summertime tips. School is out in two weeks and I am panicking! I came over from SITS and I am so glad I did. I have seen you 'round on Kat's blog among others...don't know why I never clicked over here. I'll be back my dear.

  9. Wahoo! I'm glad you had a great day

  10. I peed my pants without reading comments!! lol

  11. Oh...I am not even the feature of the day...and I am feelin' the comment love over here! That was a mighty fine list. I might have to plagarize when it's my turn. And I decided to rebel and not even do a Thursday Thirteen :-)

    I was at the bookstore thinking about you...because you now have me obsessing about my crockpot. Not that I have cooked anything in it or anything. But I now own several cook books...

  12. THIS made me laugh. Thank you for peeing your pants! :-)

  13. OMG, Angie! You're famous! You are in rare form today, honey! (And it's a good thing, too, with all this company; I hope you have enough food!) Yeah, I had a good laugh on the wine thing, too, but they were otherwise RIGHT ON. Congrats on your positive comments. :)

  14. I came over here from SITS to enjoy your blog! As an added bonus, I now know what TT stands for ;-P

  15. H. H. H says 'huh'. Every letter makes a sound. H says 'huh'.

    That's what you wrote your i heart you sign with, right? Oh I hear that in my head. We lasted a week with that in our house and then, I had to hide it. Too. Much. Singing.

  16. Oh yea. And loved this list post, btw. Sorry I forgot to say that the first time! Hate me. No, don't hate me. Love me. Love me?

  17. I'm over from SITS too. You did a great job on this post. Hilarious!

  18. I love my comments, they keep me going. I understand how you feel.

    My T13 is up, too. Stop by if you get a chance.

  19. Look how happy you are!

    We had those same magnets and had to get rid of them very quickly because I couldn't stand the sing-songy voice that encouraged the kids to learn. Sure, cool toy and all. Leapster is genius, but "every letter makes a sound ... " can you spell redundant?

  20. That was adorable. Glad you enjoyed your spotlight day! It was well deserved.

  21. Tee hee hee!! I'm doing the happy dance for you right now.

  22. What a funny post. Your whole blog is witty....I'll definitely be back to check it out. :)

  23. Okay, NO MORE making out with the cat!

    We heart you too!

    Chips & Salsa... Woo-Hoo!

  24. This is the best Thursday 13 I've read. : ) You are so funny!

  25. Don't worry about #6. I totally neglected my daughter yesterday, too, reading all the new blogs! :)

  26. Emily and Carrie-B...b...b says buh. That's my daughter's favorite because she thinks it says butt so she laughs hysterically!

    Glad everybody enjoyed the 13. Who knew peeing your pants could be so entertaining?!

    Embee-I have come to my more kissing Noodles. I like to save those up for Fat, not my husband!

    Mrs. 4444-Shhh! Don't tell everyone I love Boone's Farm, K?

  27. You re too funny... I may have to add you to my link... :)

  28. So what are you trying to say? Are you excited? :)

  29. Because of the tractor pictures my son now is insisting that I buy him a tractor from tractors dot com. (heavy emphasis on the dot com) You my love are HILARIOUS. So very glad those SITS girls have featured you...and send that heat to Seattle. We have SNOW in the mts! YUCK!

  30. Angie, glad you clarified about that 'Fat Bastard' thing... However, it's a good thing I read your introduction to all the creatures post or I would've automatically jumped to the conclusion you indeed, were referring to your significant other.

  31. Very funny girl! Glad you are feelin' the love.

  32. Very cute and sweet. I love the gratitude! If it makes you feel any better, I used the word connoiseur in a post recently and typed my post in Word first (to avoid nasty blog accidents). That allowed me to keep typing it until Word finally accepted my spelling as valid ;) And I took lots of French; it shouldn't have been that hard.

    Congrats again on getting featured -- definitely way cool!

  33. I just found your blog from SITS and I love it! Your humor is great as is your writing. I look forward to reading your blog. :D

  34. Congrats on featured blog. You are really funny. I will be returning again and again.
