
Friday, June 6, 2008


I want to give all my new BFFs (if you are reading this...that means you!) a little somethin somethin for making my day yesterday. I also want to give my dear friend, Cupcake, something to get her through the last few days of high school he11. So...without further ado:

Now, grab this award and put it on your blog. Right now! You all deserve it.


  1. Thaaaaanks! Now if I can only figure out how to get it from heeeere to over theeeere!


  2. P.S. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I wrote you a looooong comment back to try and explain real quick like. Cuz I don't want you to be mad at me, cuz I like coming here. It was all about the John Deere.

  3. Very cool! I love me some bling. My sidebars are getting rather colorful :-)

  4. Thanks I need that - and before noon on a Friday! Now that's starting the day off right!

  5. Do you have a comment hang over?

    I am so taking the bling to my blog. I don't have any awards yet, sniff...probably because my blog is blah blah blah boring.

    I really want to do the all day crock pot meal. I used up all of my almonds last night. It will still be good right? Also it's 10 am already, does 8 hours count as all day? Have a great day!

  6. I read ALL your archives yesterday... You are hilarious and you brought back memories of when I lived on a farm. Some good and some down right scary. You are my new bff though and I will grab that bling

  7. Fun award. lol You're so sweet to share. (You're tryin' to get us all sloshin' drunk, aren't you?)

  8. So cute!!! I hope you are still feeling the afterglow of comment loving!

    I had to change my blog address, so please change my link on your blogroll to:

    Mrs. R

    Got to get my last name off of it.


  9. Sunshine, Kat and kimmyj-Enjoy that award! One can never have too much bling!
    Mamahut-It should still be good without almonds if you have never had it with almonds...but the almonds happened to be my favorite part. many times can a person say almonds? Oh...and this one only takes 4-5 hours to cook so you should be good to go. And um...almonds.
    Insane mama-All my archives? Eek! What the he11 was in there? Hopefully nothing too emabrassing!
    Rhea-Sloshin drunk? Well, it is Friday, isn't it?! The good thing about the summer everyday is Friday. :)
    Mrs. R-Still feel like I am floating on air. I am definitely diggin the bloggy love!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Coming over now for cocktail hour! Sorry I was signed in under the wrong name...that was me who deleted.

  12. Glad the comments were a success for you. I know you've gained me as a loyal reader. :) Thanks for the bling...don't mind if I do!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Thanks, girlfriend! If only it were real. Sigh.

    Thanks for being a blog pal and for visiting regularly. It's been fun getting to know you.

  14. Me, too. I can't wait to get home to my crockpot to try some recipes. Now that Prep is lifeguarding, she's got some weird hours and is going to need her supper later than the rest of us. So, Crockpot to the rescue!!!

  15. Gee thanks Angie. Now although i don't (hiccup) usually drink (hiccup) I'll just stumble away with this. Maybe (hiccup) pass it on toooooooooooo...........

  16. I lurve this blog. Found you through SITS. Great idea those ladies had. I will so totally be back here often.

  17. I cannot believe you actually stopped to take photos at each stage of your crock pot meal - now that is dedication for you.
    I would love to have been a fly on the wall when you were trying to take a pic with your hand in adding the garlic/water - or did you have a secret helper?

  18. I'm not sure if you meant me or not, but if you did, it kind of made me well up a little.
    Thanks for being my BFF.
