
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Say what?! and a tag

I have some random funny things clogging up my brain that I must get out. Things I have heard or seen in the past week. Here they are for your reading pleasure.
*While taking my contact case out of the cabinet, Little Miss says, "Momma, are you taking out your Tic Tacs?"

*Little Miss exclaims, "Momma, I am drying my hair with the microwave," as she stands in front of the air conditioner.

*I go to pass a white company car on the interstate yesterday. The logo on the side of the car read, "Optometry Specialists." The driver? An 80+ year old man wearing the I just had cataract surgery glasses. WTH?!
*I overhear Tractor Boy yell to Little Miss, "I am going to kill you if you do that again!" I WHIP around to talk to him about how that isn't appropriate. Before I even get a word out, he leans down, grins, and whispers in my ear, "Don't worry, Momma. I not gonna kill her for reals."

*While talking about the fair, Little Miss exclaims, "I want to ride the steering wheel!"
*When dropping the kids off at the gym childcare center, Little Miss informs me, "Momma, I will be a good girl for the last time today."

AND, since I know you are dying for MORE about me...Tina tagged me for 6 random things. Here is the first set of random things I let's see if I can come up with some more.

*When I was pregnant with the Boy, I developed carpal tunnel which is a really weird side effect of pregnancy. It never went away so as I type this, my thumbs are tingling and nearly dead. See the hardships I endure to write these posts?

*I recently discovered Edamame and wonder where it's been my whole life. I love it and now eat it all the time. Just plain with a bunch of salt. Mmmm, mmmmm.

*I have driven 6 cars since turning 16. 1/2 of them have been Honda Accords. Here they are (none of these are the actual car..just pics I borrowed from the Internet so the colors aren't necessarily accurate,but you get the idea.)
*I have never made a pie crust from scratch.

*My toenails are ALWAYS painted. Always. The only time they are bare are for a few seconds in between removing nail polish and reapplying polish.

*I secretly think I am going to win every contest Pioneer Woman has.

There! How's that for random? I am not going to tag anyone right now because I can no longer feel my thumbs. But if you have some random things you'd like to share...go for it!


  1. Whoopee, I'm first. Those quotes are awesome - so glad you wrote those down. Your kids are too adorable - I love the shirts they are wearing in the header pic. Makes me laugh, and everytime I see Little Miss, I think of Chunky Dunking. LOL! I too have been the owner of three Hondas - an '82 prelude (which everyone should have), and 2 accords ('91, '99). Whattya know?

  2. I love edamame as well! We actually have edamame and basmati rice for dinner at least one night a week. You can buy edamame in packages at Sam's Club and just pop them in the microwave and voila! Everyone in the family loves them, even the Picky Boy.

    When I go on walks, I always think I'm going to find something, which makes me think of maybe a blog post I can write....


  3. I am always convinced I am going to win PWs contests too. I had that Home Depot card spent! But I don't enter the caption ones. I am never clever enough.

  4. I haven't made a pie crust - successfully. I have made a few attempts. My 17yo daughter HAS made a pie crust, successfully, first try. And where do all those people come from to enter P-W's contests? Seriously 10,000readers on no-contest days?

  5. I love these kind of posts! I love the tic-tacs comments, so cute!

  6. Aww....Lil Miss is so cute.....

    I got carpal tunnel when I was pregnant too....which sucked because I was refinishing my basement at the time. Mine has eventually gotten better...but does act up if I paint or grab onto something for too the lawn mower. Hmmm...sounds like me and manual labor don't get along.

    Anyway....I'm off to google Edamame.....

  7. I've got carpal tunnel in my left hand, and I agree -- it's annoying! The wrist guard has really helped with the pain.

    And don't you just love frozen pie crust? That has saved my family plenty of time!

  8. I love little Miss's comment about being good for the last time. What a Doll!!!

  9. The old guy driving the Optometry Specialists car? Priceless!!

  10. My sis-in-law introduced us to edamame and we LOVE them...even the kids!!

  11. Very cute quotes .. especially the one about being good for the last time. ;-)

    I love edamame .. plus it's also very good for you. One of the companies that make those veges that you can steam in a bag, have edamame in their range. I think it's Pictsweet. They are good.

  12. Love your blog, it is a good read. Haven't had Hondas, but Nissans are the best! And I love to make my own pie crust-an old scone recipe from South Africa. My boys would have loved watching the baling of the hay--they are little rednecks at heart.

  13. Love the kid quotes. lol Always hilarious.

    I'm impressed your toenails are ALWAYS painted. I wish I was good like that. I love painted toenails.

    I secretly think I'm going to win all of Pioneer Woman's contests also. I just want to win ONE though. They are SO awesome.

  14. Little Miss just cracks me up!

    I had a little carpal tunnel when I was pregnant, too. My cousin had it so bad that she had to wear wrist braces to sleep during most of her pregnancy. They don't tell you about that one, do they?

  15. Ok, so I came over here to see what was happingin in JD Land....and its the same post as I previously saw....but something is different...DUH....your blog layout!!! Very nice and summery!!! :)

  16. I love reading the funny things kids come up with too. I could just sit and talk to them all day...oh wait I do do that...turns out it's not as much fun as it sounds. Your cars make me miss my little Honda Civic!! It was my before baby car...

  17. Your blog is cramping my just-home-from-vacation style. I think my hands are actually shaking with joy about returning to the blogosphere, but it might be from that HUGE Polar Pop Shawn got me after I bitched about driving with the windows down after 5 HOURS of being wedged in the backseat with hair in my eyes and dry eyes.
    I'm with you on the toes. Hate hate hate nekkid pigs.
    Your kids crack me up. Not news.
    I drove a Cougar in college! It was gold--what was yours??? Stylin! Shawn wrecked it the week before I got my job at RC. Such good times.
    I secretly think I'm going to win everyone's contests, and have yet to actually win anything. You came DAMN close with PW, so keep on a hopin!
    Now I need to scroll down and read up on the rest of your week!

  18. Oh, and love edamame. My carpal tunnel went away after I had Noah. Then again, gaining 50 lb with him caused all kinds of problems that eventually cleared up. The stretch marks and elephant ear belly? Um, still there. Good times.

  19. My Cougar was silver...same as the picture. It was such a beast. I hated every minute of it. I don't really remember what happened to it.
    I wish my carpal tunnel would go away but I guess if it hasn't by probably won't! And let's not discuss stretch marks and bellies, shall we?

  20. Sooooo with ya on the toes thing. I can't do naked toes. Fingers are rarely painted, and only clear or sheer pink if at all. Toes: always.

    I too developed CT. My little one is three and I still suffer, but I don't want to have to go under the knife. I only do elective surgery!!!!!!

  21. How funny are your kiddies. They crack me up.

    And for the record, I too got carpal tunnel with baby #1. Had to wear braces and everything. Still can't knit for a long time. baby #2 has yet to veer it's ugly head though...

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