
Saturday, November 22, 2008

So far this Saturday...

1. Little Miss and I got up super early (before 6.)
2. I cleaned up the house, got laundry going, cleaned up the kitchen.
3. Got everyone dressed. Well, I let my husband dress himself this time.
4. Left the house at 8:30 to go Christmas shopping.
5. Hit Starbucks in the next town over. Love you, Peppermint Mocha!
6. Went to Super Target.
7. Heard Cole scream, "A clock, a clock, a REAL LIVE CLOCK!" Now...that doesn't sound too interesting until you take all the l sounds out. Go ahead. Yell that with no ls at the top of your lungs in Target and see if you don't get a few looks. And in my defense, he has seen a clock before...this one happened to be a Cuckoo clock. A big deal, apparently.
8. Shopped a few more stores.
9. Watched a moron drive into traffic leaving a parking lot. Went all the way through the drive into oncoming traffic, then turned RIGHT across 6 lanes of traffic from the wrong direction. Wanna guess what she was driving? A BUICK!!
10. Went to Chick-Fil-A for the FIRST time. I love you, Chick-Fil-A. Not only did you serve Diet Dr. Pepper, but your kind cashier brought our tray of delicious lunch to us, you had cow Pez dispensers, your french fries are the B-O-M-B, and the play area?! When can we move in?

Now I am seriously considering putting up the Christmas tree...if I decide to get out of this chair and quit drinking coffee, that is.


  1. Stop the said you had NEVER been the Chick-Fil-A? What is the world coming to? Oh my head, that is my favorite fast-food girl. You should try their milk-shakes. They just came out with a Peppermint Chocolate Chip one for Christmas. Their Coffee Caramel is to.die.for. End of discussion.

    You had a productive day.

  2. I know!!! I see people all the time listing the "Chick" as their fave fast food, but I have never lived near one! I LOVE it! Now I kinda wish I had never hour drive is gonna be tough every day! ;)

  3. Wow you have had a busy day!
    Would have loved to see Farm Boy's reaction to the cuckoo clock.
    Buicks, don't you just love them? and if there is a handicapped license plate attached to one, you really need to be careful.
    Glad your Saturday is going well.
    YOU kiss those kiddos for me.

  4. There is a chic-fil-a right off 65 at Southport....LOVE IT! Desperately want one in our town!! Has become my Riley lunch stop.
    Thanks for the info on the trach. Not sure if it would work for Lillian since she is not able to use a speaking valve yet. Will look into it though!

  5. You make me feel like a lazy bum today....I didnt get much accomplished. And I just gotta mention that I have never been to Chic-fil-a either....but hubby and I saw one today on the way home from Chuck E Cheese. We also dont have Starbucks near us, but that peppermint mocha sounds fabulous!

  6. I desperately miss Chick Fil A...there aren't any in the NW! They are the BEST!!!!

  7. I confess - never been to chick fil a either.
    Besides spending the night on the diorama we took Mr Blarney to the museum so he understood the assignment. After two hours he was well versed in the concept of a diorama. Again ~ you rock! I can't wait to finish this and blog about it.

  8. Seriously? FIRST ever visit? I think I went once a day when preggo with my first. Now the closest one is 30 min away, but well worth the drive.

  9. WHEW! You made me TIRED just reading it! Not to mention that NOW I want Chick-Fil-A and yet they are closed until Monday...


  10. man, you made me tired! I got up and played on the computer, and here i still sit! oh, i did go to the bathroom and eat a few times!

  11. Yeah, Chick Fil A ROCKS. They have amazing ice cream too.

  12. love your holiday look.
    your day sounds similar to mine.
    i had the strawberry cream frappachino.....and target was packed!

  13. I, too, adore the Chick-fil-a and if you lived here you would find one on every corner. Milkshakes are divine, but at 900 calories a pop, they are a special treat. Their iced tea (sweet, please) is a must. However, when I was in Denver and ordered it, they politely told me the sugar was "over there." Uh, hell. no. Not the same.

    Yesterday, we painted pottery for Christmas presents. BrownBear once made a set of salt and pepper shakers for me and they are the envy of the family. So, yesterday, Prep, BrownBear and I went to make duplicates for everyone who said they liked them. Turns out that we only made three sets. But it was fun and it was something we did together and we have a head start on the Christmas rush.

  14. Love the new header ! Chubby cheeks looks adorable, as does Farm Boy. Almost makes me want to start decorating.

  15. Come on over. Tuesday I'll be handing out a little something something to you ;)

  16. Have never had the Chick-fil-A. The name is weird to me.
    Love the Christmas decor. I'll be doing mine next weekend. I cannot do the house yet since I know the girl will try to pull the tree onto herself every second she gets. Gotta love it though!
    Way too early to get up, and how do you even shop with 2 kids with you? The thought alone makes me throw up in my mouth.
    Crack up at Cole's Ls!

  17. hahhaha...reading that made me tired!

    Z says clock like that too....hopefully he doesn't notice one when we're out!

    Love the new layout!!!

  18. Well it sounds like you had a very protective Saturday...good for you!
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello on my SITS day:)

  19. How did you make your background? I think it is so adorable!

  20. LOL...what a funny story about your son. And diet Dr. Pepper...ewwww it's bad enough with sugar in it lol. You accomplished a lot today....All I did was go get a Mcdonalds coke and then watch 7 yours of America's next top model that I had waiting on my Tivo lol

  21. A Christmas tree? Serious?!

    Sounds like you got a lot accomplished today.

  22. Oh no! You are putting up THE TREE! I always wait until after Thanksgiving. The tree this early is just too much for me!

  23. No, Thanksgiving is just way late this year. I had my decorations up this time last year, but Thanksgiving was already over. I am chomping at the bit to decorate - I am tired of these Pilgrims, but I realized that it is because of how late Thanksgiving is this year.

  24. hey chickie. something happened to my list of i came by to follow again. missed ya. i hate when blogger does funky thing JUST TO ME!! what did i ever to to it?! grrr.

    i left you a little love over at my place.

    you. are. welcome.

  25. Chick Fil A is a fast food wonderland! If you get there for breakfast, their chicken biscuits and chicken minis (drool) are awesome~

    But they are closed on Sundays, which is great to see a company still do that.

    And their customer service is top notch. The employees are always SO friendly and fast. Enjoy!

  26. Love the new festive look. You are so ahead of me, I do not even want to think about shopping....

  27. Hey, I found you through Monday Madness, go you and your super Saturday!!!

  28. I puffy heart chick-fil-a. And their milkshakes. Oh wow. Divine. And breakfast there. Mmmmm. Unfortunately. I get all my chickfila cravings on Sundays. When they are closed. I think it's a sign.

    You got so much accomplished. I don't think I did that much over the entire weekend. And I LOVE your new background and header!

  29. We don't have a Chick-fi-la near us. I don't think. Look. I can't even spell it. We must not. I must find one. Today.

    Gotta go find one.

    thanks for the tips!
