
Monday, December 15, 2008

Positive Thinking

I could complain about piddly things going on in my life like students going berserk 3 days before Christmas vacation, dogs peeing on the floor, cats throwing up on the carpet, 3 and 5 year old kids getting on my last nerve, the fox I hit on the road that made me cry whilst taking out a big chunk of my car.

I could complain.
But I won't.

Instead, let me share some positives from the day.

1. A custodian from school brought cookies for Cole and Claire, left over from her grandson's birthday party. Have you ever seen cookies cuter or more perfect for my son?

Look at that detail! Cole kept saying over and over, "She even put a little chicken in the window." He ate all around the chicken...but he couldn't bring himself to eat it. Even he thought it was just too cute to eat.
Look how realistic she made the corn kernels!

And look at that tractor! It's like Johnny Tractor right out of the pages of the books I read every.single.night. Not that I'm complaining. See? Keepin' it positive.

2. One of my students gave me a hand-made blanket for Christmas. How awesome is that?! I love a good blanket and this one is even softer and more snuggly in person.

I won't even complain that my husband has already claimed it as his own. I won't. I won't do it.

3. My super adorable son, while talkative, sneaky, and at times, a real also a fantastic artist. Okay, this might just be the proud momma talking. But, look at this drawing!

One tractor with a disc, another tractor with a hay mower, and look at that tree! Let's just say he did not get his artistic talent from me. Totally framing this one.
4. Despite the fact that the dogs are slowly ruining every square inch of carpeting in this house, they are (at times) rather cute. (Not complaining.) Bear is getting older and often moves slowly with aching legs and hips. Jose, while still quite spry, doesn't always get the chance to play. It was super cute to catch these two playing tug of war. And who doesn't love a rousing game of Rip the Stuffing Out of the Bear?

5. I could complain that the cranberry martini I had tonight is making it difficult to type, but I won't. Because it was oh, so good.

Edited to add: And...I am not going to complain that I had showered, done my hair and make up, and THEN found out that school is closed because SCHOOL IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!! Oh, HAPPY DAY! SCHOOL IS CLOSED! Thank you icy roads. Thank you.


  1. Excellent. Just keep it positive and I'm positive that this evil week will be over sooner than you can say cranberry martini!!!

  2. Oh that sounds sooo good!! It's been one of those times here also. I do LOVE those cookies and that was so sweet!!

  3. Those cookies are awesome.
    Tell your husband to get his own damned blanket. Hands off the teacher gifts!
    I think I need one of those cranberry martinis. Now!
    Cute doggies. I see no Jackie. Dare I ask?
    And a fox + the new car? Sucks. I hope the damage is easily repaired.

  4. OK...

    the cookies? Cutest ever. In the wide world.

    The blanket? I must have one just like it.

    And a cranberry martini? the recipe. I am begging.

  5. I actually know how to make those blankets. So cute. And they are so very warm. Hmmm...I have a gingerbread one somewhere...I think I have a project now...

  6. Those cookie are adorable!! Wow! Sorry about the car. I learned how to make those blankets over Thanksgiving. What a sweet gift!! They are super soft - take it away from your husband!!

  7. ah teacher gifts......and martinis......

  8. LOVE the cookies ! I might have to try making them. Love that Cole wouldn't eat the chicken, even though that's where he thought steaks should come from instead of beef. His drawing is too wonderful !Grandma just might need a copy. Doggies are adorable.
    Blanket looks yummy to snuggle in. School's closed ! What more could you ask for !!?

  9. Those are the coolest sugar cookies I have EVER seen!!! Now I need to find some corn and tractor cutters! Merry Christmas!

  10. Oh happy day! I love snow days! Maybe you can steal the homemade blanket back from your husband :)

  11. Those cookies are awesome, and I'm so impressed by the handmade blanket!

  12. I like your positive attitude!!! Those cookies do look really good....lots of detail.

    Congrats on getting to stay home!!!
