
Friday, January 16, 2009

Good News, Bad News

Good News
* My 2 hour delay turned into a cancellation today.
* Monday is a school!

* If you haven't yet done the math, that translates into a 4-day weekend. Woot woot!

* Little Miss had no more episodes of poop juice. She slept all night and has been perfectly fine ever since.

*I got a super sweet new touchscreen phone today. This phone, to be exact. I love it.

Bad News

* Cole started feeling sick this morning right before preschool. I went ahead and sent him. He did okay until lunch. Then he threw up. I picked him up right away and he has been on the couch ever since.
He is as pale as a ghost and very pathetic. He threw up again this afternoon. He hasn't eaten anything since 7:30 this morning and refuses to eat anything more than the 2 bites of chicken broth I forced down. He had some 7-Up before he threw up. Now he is sipping water.
Hopefully this little bug moves out of here as quickly as Claire's stomach issue did.
Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. I hate stomach bugs. No fun at all. Hope this one moves right extinction...and not to another person!

  2. Love your new phone!
    Hope Cole is better soon.

  3. Cool new phone, but not cool another one is sick. :o(

    It's weird, when my kids get will get diarrhea, the other throw up. I guess their bodies handle the same bugs differently?

    We have a four day weekend also.

  4. Neat phone!!

    Sorry to hear your lil guy is sick

  5. Glad to hear that Little Miss is feeling better keeping my fingers crossed that Cole's bug is only 24hrs. But a 4 day weekend is fabulous!!

    Have a great weekend!

    P.S. the phone is great!!

  6. Man, when it rains it pours, doesn't it? I'm sorry for Cole. Hope he feels better soon!

    Hooray for the 4-day-weekend! And for new geek toys. I love new geek toys!

  7. :-( So sorry!

    I know you'll still make the most of your long weekend! Me too!

    Hope your kids get well and STAY well.

  8. Man-those bugs always have to run through the whole house, don't they?
    I'm going to be checking new phones and that one looks very interesting.....

  9. LOve you phone! And so sorry little Cole is sick. ANd the pic of you daughter is precious!

  10. Poor kid! We had yesterday and today off because of the weather; what a TREAT!

  11. Poor baby! He does look terrible. Like he's not even enjoying the twacto movie.
    Cute phone. I would have no use for those buttons since I am texting illiterate.

  12. It never fails that as soon as I get a long weekend someone in the family ends up sick. Hope everyone is better soon!

  13. I hope that he is feeling better soon. I hate it when they are sick cause they get SO sick.

  14. We also have a 4 day weekend. Love it!

    I hope Cole feels better soon.

  15. I am knocking on wood, as that nasty bug hasn't hit our house yet.

    Thanks for the thumbs up pic, she makes my day.

  16. Poor Cole.
    Cool phone.
    We have the same chair!

  17. woo hoo! 4-day weekend!!

    Hope your cole feels better :)

  18. Poor little man, hope he gets better soon ! Very glad little miss is better, she is a nut lol.
    Now I have to get a better phone !

  19. I'm soooo jealous of your touch screen phone! I want one sooo bad!

  20. Hope your family feels better soon -- looks like you're a great nurse, though!

  21. Thanks for stopping by.

    I'm sorry to hear you're sick now, sending (((HUGS)))

  22. Poor lil guy looks miserable. I hope he's feeling better now.

    Glad Lil Miss got over hers quickly.

    I got a 4 day weekend too...but I took Friday as a vacation day.....still a 4 day weekend is GOOD!!!
