
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day, part deux

Yesterday was our first snow day of the week. We are off again today and the snow is still coming down!

Yesterday we ventured out to play, but not for long. The wind chill was so cold, our cheeks couldn't take much! We did get a few minutes of playing in...although I think it took longer to prepare to go out to play than we actually played. Oh well...that's the fun of a snow day, right?
The dogs love to run and get crazy in the snow. They bury their snouts, then run and jump on anything nearby. Mostly that was Little Miss, who kept getting knocked down. But she didn't seem to mind.In this first picture, she had walked up the "steps" to the porch. But the steps were completely covered in snow. She forgot there were steps on the way down and slid right down on her tummy. Luckily it was soft and no tears!

Thankfully there are tractors around here that can clear a driveway in no time flat. Cole thought he would get a head start using his little snow shovel. After about 2 scoops he decided the task was a bit more than he could handle.
What's better than curling up on a cold snowy day and taking a nap?! Nothing, if you ask me. Most of the creatures around here decided that sounded like JUST the thing to do. Look, even Barbie and her friend Alexa decided to take a nap.

Did you notice any children napping? Um, no. No, you did not. Because naps are SO boring. The kids spent the majority of their day skydiving from the furniture.

I would like to take this moment to thank Blogger, YouTube, and Vimeo for not only taking 4 hours to try to upload a 2 minute video of my children jumping from the furniture, but then failing to upload. Good times.
When we weren't jumping from the furniture, playing in the snow, building castles out of blocks, or eating popcorn while watching Tom and Jerry, we were making (and eating) cookies.

Who knows what tomorrow has in store for us. A regular day? 2 hour delay? Snow day? It's rather exciting not knowing what the day will bring!

Edited to add: Snow day AGAIN tomorrow! Okay, part of me is excited to sleep in and stay in jammies all day. But the other part of me is not looking forward to yet another day stuck in the house. I'm pretty tapped out on all my creative mommy ideas. And I really need to get out of the house! Ack!


  1. awwww love the pix!!!!
    we just found out we are out of school again tomorrow...this is getting old fast lol
    I hope whatever your tomorrow brings you enjoy it

  2. It is still snowing?! Holy goodness. We only had about 3-4 inches. But most of it happen this morning. They only canceled afternoon kindergarten and after school activites.

    The pictures are great! Looks like you guys had a good time.

  3. Bring on day 3!!!! Wahoo!!! Wish your tractor was here, digging me out! We played/shoveled/dug/de-iced for an hour or so. Shawn is still out there. Took my car to the gas station for some Mt. Dew. Daddy is about to go crazy with all of us here. LOL
    See you Friday? Who knows! I didn't think we'd have school tomorrow since my somewhat busy street hasn't been plowed at.all.

  4. Now THAT'S my way to spend a snow day! Especially the yummy sugar cookie part :) I love that you have tractor cookie cutters. I wonder who you got those for.... ;)

  5. Please send some of your snow my way! I'm SO wanting a snow day. Unfortunately we don't usually get them. :(

  6. I feel SO bad for complaining about my little bit of snow yesterday........
    Isn't it fun to stay home though!

    Do you have photoshop?
    I love what you do with your pictures : )

  7. Those are such wonderful pictures, Lil' Miss is beyond adorable and Big Fella, what a great helper. Sorry for the cabin fever, maybe you can come on out West to go to the beach for a little bit?

  8. Those might not be the prettiest cookies in the world...but those are the cutest faces. Poor mom...I think two snow days in a row might not be so fun lol. Maybe you can get the animals to teach them how beautiful a nap can really be!

  9. Three snow days in a row ! You will have a serious case of cabin fever. Love the cookie pics, nice green cow. Send the kiddos out with their cameras for some snow pics, that should keep them busy for a couple minutes lol.

  10. YOU????? You will never tap out of creative ideas!!! You aren't fooling me one bit with that notion!!

  11. Aawwwww! I love those pics. Okay I am jealous of your snow. Send some to me pleeeease. No ice just snow! I will be waiting. :)

  12. The pic of Jackie the Cow napping, looks like she might have tried sticking her tongue on a metal pole.

  13. Am I missing the link to the animal rescue!?!

    Either guys look like you have so much fun!

  14. I loved snow days when I was in school. However, now when we have a snow day at work I have to use a vacation day and that's not fun! Two winters ago I had to use 4 vacation days because we had a huge blizzard.

  15. You are right; a handful of snow days pales by comparison when you look at the bigger problems you could have. That said, I hope you make it back to school on Monday; at this rate, you could be in school til July!!

  16. We got snow...but I still had to go to work! :( And Z was at my mom's so I didn't get to play with him. :( I wish it would snow on a weekend!!!
