
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day!

John Deere Mom here, coming to you live from the family room. Yes, folks, thanks to 5 inches of snow on the ground (and another 7 or so on the way) today is a snow day. Tomorrow looks to be the same. Can I get an amen?!

I have used my morning off to catch up on some much needed picture editing. Oh sure, the dishes are piled up, laundry is taking over the house, but one needs priorities. And today's priority? Getting some weekend pictures put together.

We spent Sunday at my parents' house. My mom made my meal of choice for my birthday...sushi, egg rolls, and potstickers. Oh yeah, Pioneer Woman is so fancy with her own sushi chef...but my sushi chef (try saying that 3 times fast) is my very own MOM! The kids were all too eager to help prepare the meal.

I pretty much ate my way through my 32nd birthday. (Let's see...Noodles & Co, Coldstone, Chilis, steak and baked sweet potato, sushi, eggrolls...and that was just one weekend.) But ohmygosh was that Japanese meal delicious. I am still munching on leftover sushi. SO good.
Okay, the cheese pictures really had nothing to do with that meal...but who can resist pictures of an adorable child cutting the cheese?!

Thankfully the can o' squid was more for fun than anything else. Oh my heavens did it stink up the kitchen. Nasty, nasty stuff it was. But my boy was ready to help. And would you believe he TRIED some?! My mom (who will literally eat anything) tried some and said it was notsogood. It was very difficult to hide my gagging reflex as he chewed it up.
Once the food was prepared, it was dress up time. Grandma had plenty of dresses and wigs to make The Princess happy as can be. And look at that long, beautiful hair! My poor girl has always had hair issues so to see her with that long hair was a sight! And it matched her real hair color perfectly. You better believe that came home with us.
And of course, no day would be complete without multiple clothing changes. Here is the wedding dress rehearsal dress which has become her everyday dress. And by every day, I mean every day.
While Cole was busy chopping up squid, Little Miss and I made a Target run for some essentials. It started to snow a bit when we were leaving and I snapped this pic of her trying to catch a snowflake on her tongue. Not a bad pic from my phone. You know, my totally awesome new phone.Now it's time to bundle up and head outside to play in the snow. Snow pics to come later!


  1. I want to have a snow day!!! Enjoy!

  2. Congrats on the snow day! Great pics ! Love little Miss cutting the cheese and dressing up.
    Farm boy looks pretty brave cutting that up that squid.
    Enjoy the snow = )

  3. Congrats on the snow day. Love the pics. I wish someone would come and make me sushi...not the squid.

  4. WAHOOO! I knew it, when I stayed up too late reading last night. I just knew it. And more today. And more tonight? I have a feeling I won't be seeing you until Thursday! Life doesn't stop over here. Speech therapist coming in a few minutes (guess I should get dressed and dress the kidlets!). ENT tomorrow. I desperately need to vacuum and mop. The good news is that potato soup for the pitch in? Is dinner tonight.
    And my post, which I haven't finished yet, has the exact same title. Except I think it's all caps. LOL

  5. I have always wanted to try to learn how to make sushi. Sounds like you had a spectacular birthday, plus some snow days to boot. Can't beat that.

  6. we are having a sleet,freezing rain ice day here...enjoy the snow...
    those pics are adorable

  7. What fun! And I love the green color of that dress up outfit!!

  8. Squid in a can? Who knew?

    I guess I can now tell you that yes, my nickname is Squid.

  9. What fun! I'm so jealous-- I would love to have a snow day once in awhile!

    And I'm pretty sure I can live my whole life and never have to open a can of squid. GROSS!

  10. Wanted to stop in and say hi! It's too hot here for snow!

  11. Oh sushi! My fave!! My husband is our sushi chef...and every other kind of food chef, actually.

    Love the dress up stuff. Are you using a digi scrapping software for those pictures? They look great.

    And a happy happy birthday to you!

  12. Cool no school!! We are going to get hit in about an hour. The weather peeps are saying just 4 inches. So we have school tomorrow :p

    That is a good picture taken with the phone?!

    I love the collage look. Thanks for telling me the website. I signed up yesterday and looking forward to playing, for free of course. Maybe when I win the lottery, I will get the premium:)

    Hoping you get another shool tomorrow:)

  13. What happen to my last sentence.
    I really typed: Hoping you get another snow day tomorrow:)

  14. I love that green dress.

    I can't say "sushi chef" three times fast.

  15. Well, happy birthday and happy, happy snow day. We can't catch a break here.

  16. I want a green dress!


    Happy Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUU!

  17. snow day?!? awesome. we don't have those in my neck of sunny california...but we do take a play day now and then, just because!

    CUTE pics of those kiddos...

  18. Great photos and we also have a snow day, but I'm at work. *pout*!

  19. Same weathe forecast!!! I'm loving all this snow..just hoping the power doesn't go out!

  20. Where are the snow pics? I am dying for them. I thought after two consecutive snow days we might see at least one snow angel?!

  21. AMEN!!!!
    Squid--ewwww. Calamari is like octopus, right? I have had that deep fried and it was ok but when they put it in Chinese stirfry---ewwww. brave kid....

  22. LOL Calamari is squid.
