
Friday, February 27, 2009

Proof Positive...

that I can't talk on the phone and do anything else.

Indiana doesn't have talking while driving laws. Yet. So I spend a lot of time talking while driving, usually on my drive home from school. Inevitably, I will get absorbed into the conversation and miss my turn. I don't think I make driving mistakes, per se. I follow the speed limit (well, as much as I do when I am not on the phone), stop at lights, etc. But I often miss my turn or forget where in the world I was going.

I had to stop at Wal-Mart today on my way home from school. I was on the phone when I parked, on the phone all the way through the store, and finally hung up when I got to the check-out lane. As I made my way out to the parking lot, I headed to Row usual spot. I walked. And walked. And walked. I finally got my keys out and hit the door lock button a few times, hoping to hear the "beep" sound.

No beep.

I turned and headed the other way. Still no beeps. By this time, I am freezing. It dropped like 25 degrees today and I was not prepared for another 30 degree day.

Finally, I made my way to the OPPOSITE entrance and found my car in row 8. 8, people. Not 3. And wouldn't you know? I had a kick-ass parking spot in row 8...right up front...right in front of the grocery entrance. If only I hadn't been on the phone, I might have actually NOTICED where I was parking and saved myself a lot of walking in heels in the cold, cursing under my breath.


  1. HE HE now you know what being 50 and over is like LOL. I don't even have to be on the cell phone to forget where I parked, or why I went to the basement, etc.etc.

  2. haha! I've done that so many times! It has deterred me from talking yet though!

  3. OH DEERE! Sounds like me-The only time I GET PEACE to talk is while driving or in Wal-Mart-my brain is like MUSH!

  4. Oh mannnn, don't you hate that!
    It's like you totally wasted the perfect parking space by going on the walk-about five lanes away >{
    I hate it when that happens.

  5. I don't have the excuse of talking on my cell phone when I forget where I've parked. Thanks for the funny! You wear heels to teach? I'm impressed.

  6. ROFL Great story. Love it. I talk on the phone while driving, and I'm really careful about it. We don't have any laws against it in Texas either.

  7. Yikes. Thanks for the warning. (and I'm almost as bad, I have to admit.)

  8. Well, an 8 kind of looks like a 3. Maybe the sign had a tree branch or snow covering part of the 8 right? Just say yes and all will be okay. :)

  9. LOL..I agree...waste of a good spot.

  10. You're not the only one who does this stuff, haha! No laws here in MA. either! I can drive from my house to my daughters school and not remember a second of it...I use my hands free, don't worry!

  11. LOL you sound just like me. Why is it that we can carry on a conversation with someone who is actually there...and have no trouble concentrating...but when the person we are talking to is on the phone...our brains stop working!

  12. you make me laugh!! it is true, we are all so distracted in this day and age with this technology!

  13. That is too I don't feel so bad about the things I've done. ;)

  14. Same for me! I seem to spend most of my driving time on the phone, but since I'm in my car so much, it seems reasonable. Unfortunately, I can't get good reception inside Walmart or Target so I have no choice but to hang up while shopping. Oh the inconvenience of actually having to hang up the phone.
