
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Daddy's Home


  1. Hello
    It has a nice blog.
    Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
    A hug from my country, Portugal

  2. Awww...I love it when daddy gets home!

  3. Ditto to Sarah :) We got our tractor out yesterday and they ALWAYS go bananas when the John Deere comes out of hiding in spring!

  4. Hi there! I just stumbled over's the John Deere thing. Cute picture, I just love when Daddy comes home from work! Curious, is your Farm Guy a company man or a dealership guy? My guy recently switched from Deere Company to a multi-store dealership. Who knows, maybe they even attend some of the same meetings/expos!

  5. Great picture, I love it, that's says it all right there.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Farm Boy is in a coat, Russian peasant is in shorts, was this a combined photo? Cute pic !

  7. Daddy arrival back home is the best time of the day! The kids are thrilled and I get a break! lol!

  8. That is soo sweet. I love moments like that. Good to see you today!!

  9. Hi! Love YOUR Wordless Wed. photo. Come check out my WW photo!

    I think I told you (when I first "met" you) that I am a JD Mom,too, because--now this is a stretch--my son Works for JD! I just adore your blog---(I used to be a teacher, too!)--so I "get you"! I lived for Winter Breaks (in the olden days they were called Christmas Vacations!) and Snow Days and Spring Break. I loved my kiddos as school, but I loved my kiddos at home, too! :)
    Thanks for your wonderful "shares"! Dana

  10. Terrific! Hey, Angie, I think you should check out the chicken spaghetti recipe i posted today at my cooking blog; it's right up your alley! :)

  11. Awwww....what a sweet picture!
