
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ten for Tuesday...posted on Wednesday cause that's how I roll

1. What is UP with Bloglines? I was all ready to post about how great it is and how I am so glad to be using something to keep track of all my favorite blogs...and then it lets me down. If you posted something new today...I probably haven't seen it! Poo.
2. American Idol is on. The show isn't going very well tonight. Even the camera angles, interviews...all very awkward. But, my fave of the night? Anoope Dog. I mostly like saying his name. But I do NOT enjoy his eyebrows. And who does Kara look like? She looks like someone and it has been Please advise.

3. Ulysses S. Grant is just that. S. Many of you thought Simpson, which is a common belief. His mother's maiden name was Simpson, but the S doesn't actually stand for anything...just like Harry S. Truman.

4. My head has hurt Tylenol, ibuprofen, water, extra caffeine, chocolate, contacts out/glasses on. Nothing has helped. The only thing left to blame is the weather. Well, and the kids.
5. Cole had his first fire drill today. Do you know what he expected? A drill. A tool. Made for putting out fires. That he got to handle. Imagine his disappointment when he had to stand outside in a single file line. With no drill.
6. We watched Amazing Race for the first time last night. So exciting. I don't know how we didn't jump onto this show before, but I am glad we did. Loving the deaf guy with his mom. SO glad the bitchy couple is gone. I think the little stunt guys will do a good job. And the cheese wheels? Now that is entertainment.
7. I am SO in need of a hair cut. And color. I don't know how many more days I can take without hacking on it myself. I would post a pic but I hate to run you all off.

8. Today, Wednesday, my head has hurt even more than yesterday. So much so that I had to call my principal in at 2 to take over my class while I went crying to the nurse's office. I've never been diagnosed as having migraines, but if that wasn't a migraine...I would hate to experience one. I am feeling somewhat better now but can't get rid of the ache and pain from the base of my neck to my eyes. Time to see the chiropractor and/or eye doctor.

9. Today was Parents' Day at preschool. I hadn't told Cole anything about it in case we couldn't be there. I couldn't get off, so the husband was going to try. It ended up that he was the only one at the shop and couldn't leave. The first thing Cole told me when I picked him up, "Today was mudder's day at school and I was the only kid with no mudder there. I was sad all day long."
Insert knife. Twist. Repeat.

10. I think it's going to be early bedtimes all around. Thankfully I planned for yet another headache and have a take and bake pizza ready to pop in the oven. Here's to a better day tomorrow!

And now your moment of zen...


  1. I'm so sorry your head hurts, get it checked.
    I had a headache like that and it turned out I had a bad brain.
    Don't put it off.
    Love the pictures...don't I always :)

  2. #9- that's a heart breaker!
    I get migraines, no fun- get it checked out ASAP!

  3. Yikes on the headache. I hope it goes away soon for ya.

    The Amazing Race is the best show on TV! One day, you will see me on there...if I ever lose enough weight to not look like a hog running.

    Yeah! I was right about Grant! Woot! The answer to the question I asked you is David Rice Atchison.

  4. How about that about Grant? I guess if your first name is Ulysses, you really don't need a lot of clutter in the middle.

    Migraines are a mess. I have a great neurologist because I don't mess around with those anymore. You don't either.

  5. AWW sorry about your headache !! cripes, get it checked out as soon as you can. in all your spare time. Can I do anything? Loved all the pics, and the fire drill !!! will so have to make a fire drill, flames, the works. You will not win MOTY again this year, but not to worry, I am sure you will sometime. I am still waiting to win it too. Bad mudders. New fav pic of Russian peasant, the closee up of pink cheeks in the pink snow suit. Love it. Feel better soon.

  6. I'm sorry about the headache... that just sucks.

    Katie's first tornado drill - she came home and said "We had a TOMATO drill today"

  7. K Migranes are scary things...and they "suck" as Hot Tub Lizzy says...and because of your #9...I am now moving around some things to make it to parent day next week! :)

  8. Awwww.....sad all day. That makes me want to cry! But I love the fire drill story.

    I deal with occasional migraines - Imitrex (nasal) seems to take care of it unless I've let it go too long. Then it's to bed w/lights off. Boss doesn't particularly care for that option however....

    I don't know about bloglines, etc.? I did post pix of Galveston today before Hurricane Ike. Haven't been there since, but hope Galveston can eventually recover.

  9. I do love moments of Zen....

    Wow...I hope your headaches go away....those suck...yep, they sure do.

    Poor Cole. That is a sad story. Yeah, I would have felt bad are good at making us feel that way I'm realizing.

    I can't believe I missed Amazing Race Sunday night. I hope my tivo got it. I love that show!

  10. Dude-been where you are. Just got my first migraine 3 weeks ago-convinced I had brain cancer and the MRI said "NOT" just migraines. The CHIRO DOES HELP! Problem GOT TO ACTUALLY GO! I have a problem wrangling my crew to drive 30 minutes but I WILL BE GOING TOMORROW! Had that non mudder issue of the reasons I home school. Now the poor kids can't get rid o me :) Hope you feel better!

  11. I've had to lay down in the nurse's office before due to migraines. It sucks!

    I have something for you on my blog. I've been a blog follower, but not a big commentator, so hopefully this isn't all stalkery-ish.

  12. I get migraines too debilitating, vomiting pain that starts at the base of my neck and hurts the jelly in my eyes. They are very few and far between and never have lasted for longer than a day, and I think mine are triggered by a sudden change in weather combined with allergies? I am not totally sure what triggers them. The only thing that works for me is Advil Migraine. I got my whole hallway hooked on those little magic pills. Good luck, hope you feel better SOON.

  13. Yikes, Imitrex is what you need, that is some good migrane medicine and does not make one loopy either. Get checked out sooner rather than later.

    Loved the pictures of your kids, so darling.

  14. Poor Cole. I'm sure there were other mudders that weren't dere either.

    Veteran of not participating in Parent's Days here....we had mother/daughter dates to make up for it.

  15. Ok, so my son was sitting here reading your post with me and said "Where do they live?" I asked "Why? Do you want to meet them?" He said "YEAH."

    I think he likes your pics!!

  16. So sorry to hear about your headache. I've been told that Gatorade is supposed to relieve that pain. Hope you get relief ASAP.
    Paco Alejandro Carlos seems to have settled in nicely.....

  17. The pictures of your adorable kids always make me smile. But the one about being the only one without a mudder...OH MY HEART JUST HURTS for him. Although I totally know how it's so hard to be everywhere you need to be when you work and have kids...boy do I remember those days of letting them down! And I agree...American Idol has seen better nights..but I did like who America chose from that group. At least it wasn't Tatiana!

  18. I'm so sorry about your head! I've had one the past couple of days because it's that time, so I feel your pain.

    I quit watching American Idol the year Taylor Hicks won. I was in my first trimester with my daughter, and I think that my morning sickness combined with the show gave me an aversion to it since then.

  19. Man, I have a love/hate relationship with the school when they do things like this. I like the fact that they try to involve parents and extended family, but both sets of grandparents live out of town. Only a handful of times have my kids had a grandparent at grandparents' day. Makes me sad.

  20. Loved these pics! Hope your head is feeling better.

  21. I had a moment like #9 once, years ago. One of the kids told me the same thing--EVERYONE'S parent was there, except for me. I wanted to die!
