
Sunday, February 15, 2009

In honor of Presidents' Day...or what I like to call a waste of a holiday if I still have schoool

Many of you will be enjoying tomorrow off thanks to Presidents' Day. Me? Notsomuch. I thought I'd give you some presidential fun facts to read at your leisure. You.are.welcome.

James A. Garfield could write with both hands. Sometimes he amused people by writing Greek with one hand and Latin with the other!

Herbert C. Hoover was the first president to be born west of the Mississippi River.

William Henry Harrison was president only 32 days. He caught pneumonia and died after standing outside for hours during his inauguration.

James Madison was 5'4" tall, and weighed 98 pounds.

Andrew Jackson was a chronic drooler, and suffered from hives. He was orphaned at age 13. Early in life he had smallpox and dysentery. Later in life he had tuberculosis and dropsy. His wife had a nervous breakdown.He was shot in a duel (he killed the guy who shot him), and since the bullet wasn't able to be removed, he had an infection for the rest of his life.

Only five presidents have ever worn facial hair when they sought the office. The last was over a century ago, in 1889; Benjamin Harrison.

William Taft, 27th president of the United States, weighed more than 300 pounds and had a special oversized bathtub installed in the White House.

In warm weather, 6th president of the United States John Quincy Adams customarily went skinny-dipping in the Potomac River before dawn.

And now a quiz. What does the S stand for in Ulysses S. Grant? No googling or it's detention for you!


  1. love these quirky facts! no clue what the s stands for!

  2. S must stand for Sugar Lips. lol

    Garfield was awesome, writing with both hands...and in Greek and Latin?! Wow.

    And I just knew John Quincy Adams looked like a skinny-dipper. hehe

  3. No clue.
    I have detention tomorrow in the form of my FIFTH case conference for my favorite student ever.
    I could really get behind an oversized bathtub.

  4. A brilliant post! I love having this info in a nutshell! Thank you!! Sorry you have to go to school - our schools are closed tomorrow.

  5. Hubby guessed Samuel. I think Sugar Lips sounds like the right answer! Can we pass notes??? When's recess? Can I go to the bathroom?

  6. It doesn't stand for anything. It's just the letter S.

    Now a question for you. Who was president for one day, but slept through his entire time in office?

  7. You guys are funny!
    And NO passing of notes will be allowed. If I catch you, I read it out loud to the whole class! And didn't anyone ever tell you recess is a privilege? ;)
    One of you is right! And Smoochie! You are tough. I know it was some random guy between Polk and Taylor because of inaugaration times...but I don't remember his name!

  8. LOL...great info...Can't wait to share my new found facts!!

  9. Wasn't Andrew Jackson's wife the first First Lady to had been divorced?

    So what do you think of the new cast for DWTS? Steve-O. Are you kidding me?

  10. Oh yuck sorry you have to be at school today! DaddyZilla has a 4 day this weekend so he got to come home from his army school so I'm all about me some Presidents day this year LOL!

    If I remember correctly it doesnt' stand for anything - that S. that is but I can't be sure it's been a LONG time since I took a history class. Thanks for the fun facts - the two handed writing in greek and latin is kinda creepy and the 98 pounder is just wrong but it was a fun read!! I'll try to stump DZ when he comes inside!

  11. Very interesting Presidential facts.

    The "S" stands for Simpson. I didn't google it, but rather asked my hubby who is a very smart man....

  12. Thanks for the history lesson, no clue re.the S. Sorry.

  13. Thanks for the history lesson. Now I know who to contact when my girls start studying the presidents.

    Have no idea what the S. stands for - now I'm wishing I would have paid closer attention in school - but then again, even if I did, I probably still wouldn't remember...Mommy Brain and all!

  14. I thought the S in Harry S Truman stood for S. I thought the S in Ulysses S. Grant stood for Simpson - for his mother's maiden name.

    Had to work today, too. We were the only county teachers working for miles. Even the kids were gone.

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  17. hm...I shall try not to taunt you with the fact that I have a WEEEK off of school and am in bed right now (thanks to wireless internet). BUT....I don't get out of school until June 22, so I definitely pay for it later.

    Ah Presidents Day....I used to make my kids memorize all 43 Presidents names when I taught US history. I can still say them all in order. =)

  18. Jackson was a drooler?

    That's the BEST piece of random trivia I've ever heard!

  19. Interesting trivia.....I have no idea what it stands for, but Cheney's middle name is Scott so I will say it stands for Scott!!

  20. I feel smarter after reading this one! haha

  21. Thanks teacher -- I learned something new today!
