
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

The winner of the $25 movie gift card is...

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-02-14 13:35:41 UTC

Who's number 31? It's TERI from Let Me Think On It! Congrats, Teri! Email me with your address and I will drop the gift card in the mail ASAP!

Valentine's Day is pretty much just like any other day around the John Deere Mom house. Although I did get an early gift last night.


The husband was at a farm show yesterday. He stood and watched the entire Sham Wow demonstration and was enraptured, I tell you. The 3 guys that went together walked away with a total of 6 Sham Wows. Who says men aren't romantic?

Now if you will excuse me I have to go wash, dry, and polish up to 12 times its weight in liquid.


  1. Aw, have a great day! And I loved the pics of your daughter and her twirly skirt. Adorable!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. OMG!! My hubby jokes about the SHAMWOW 24-7. I knew I kept him home from the farm show this year for a reason... hmmmm

  3. OMG. I wish I could make that even BIGGER. Crack me up. Could he seriously have gotten you anything more exciting? Hilarious.

    You will be happy to know that I cried twice before the evaluation team arrived at 4:00, and yelled at my husband about my crappy day when he tried to gripe about the car's brakes being so shitty. I explained (again) that I told him THE day that I noticed a noise. And he drives it to so whate.v.e.r. Freak. And then I fought tears during the evaluation (with Whaley mom so I'm sure she wondered WTF is wrong with me). And then closed the door and cried on my bed for 10 fucking minutes when they left. And cried when Shawn got home and bitched more about the brakes and told him I've got to change my pill. This is just ridiculous. But then he made dinner while I read in my bed. So he's not a total jerk after all.

    Happy Valentine's Day. You ShamWower you!

  4. proud I be he was...Vday is extra special here...It's my Birthday!!

  5. Happy Valentines Day JD's.
    And a, that pretty much say's I love you in SO many ways.

  6. A happy morning to you and enjoy V-Day with your little ones!!!

  7. OK, I have no idea what a sham wow is, so I can see I need to read back a little on your posts...I'm behind.

  8. HAHAHA...that is hilarious!

  9. You LUCKY DUCK!! A Sham Wow! What a great present--your hubby was thinking about making your life easier! Mine did that for my birthday once--many years ago--when I received a SHOP VAC from him. I, in turn, gave him a four slice toaster for his birthday. Since then, I have not received items that plugged in for a special occasion gift--unless I asked for it! ;) Then, of course, that's different! ;)
    Congrats to the winner of your give-away! I also hope they use it for Mall Cop! My hubs and I saw that a bit ago---yes, we chose that 1 1/2 star rated movie over several 3 star ones. I agree with you--it was funny! We both enjoyed it.
    Your little girl looks so cute twirling in her new skirt! Poor babe! A MOUSE TRAP! I can't imagine how that hurt! Frozen cherries---brilliant!
    Loved catching up on your great posts--I do NOT know how you teach, raise a family and blog! You're a real dynamo!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours! Dana

  10. Cracking up because my husband is newly obsessed with that ShamWow/Slap Chop guy, Vince. Apparently, he's also an actor/director/writer who did an underground comedy movie, supposedly very offensive... And he's got quite a rival going on with the Oxyclean guy. Oh the drama of infomercial men!!

    Anyhoo, congrats to the winner and happy V-day to you!!

  11. Romantic AND practical! Your husband's a double threat guy. I wonder if we married brothers...

  12. WOW ROFLMAO! I bet you can't wait for your anniversary !!

  13. LOL, the gift for the gal w/everything. The Shamwow guy is strangely captivating. Happy V Day!

  14. my hubby was at a farm show in the fall and he also came home with the fabulous Sham-Wows.... wow... and men think that women fall for everything and will buy anything...he is worse than I ever will be...he even came home with some fancy pants slicer and so did his friend...he has cut his finger once already on it and his friend has cut his twice...once having to go the the doctor to get it cotorized....LOL....

    I have been lurking around for awhile checking out your blog and really enjoy if you have time stop by at my blog...I tagged you with an award....
    Have a fabulous Valentines day...

  15. Congrats to the winner, even if it wasn't me. :)

    Now I'm jealous on 2 fronts: one for not winning, and one b/c I want a ShamWow! Lucky duck. :)

  16. Ok, the guy that does those commercials is S.C.A.R.Y. But do they really work?

  17. Funny! I loved your post title and hilarious about the gift.

    We don't do anything special about V-Day either. Just another day.

    But, Happy Valentine's day to you:)

  18. Ok, seriously, you don't know where my mind went when you said you got your present the night before.....that's all I'm saying.

  19. LOL thats so funny! My hubby falls for stuff at shows like that all the time (we have a cabinet full of VERY expensive kitchen craft pots and pans - he HAD to have them - I hate them!) BUT my friend and I bought some sham-wow like things once - we got one pack and each got one. i've yet to use it but my hubby has cleaned his bike with it LOL. Happy v-day

  20. SHAMWOW !! Now all you need is SNUGGIES !! The blanket that you wear !!! LOL

  21. At least he got you something???

    I don't know what to didn't give me much to work with...shamwow!

  22. I once peed in a diaper (in the car) because I was trapped in the top of a parking garage during 4th of July celebration in a strange city and there were people EVERYWHERE. I could have used that ShamWow! [Do you think less of me now?]

  23. LOL that is so darn funny!!! A gift that keeps on much better than flowers or chocolate lol. So tell they really work? Because I've been tempted to buy them myself!

  24. Hey hey hey! Are you kidding me???? I won???!!!??? Neato!

    I'll email you. Man oh man.

    I really want some of those ShamWow's. Or at least that guy's ear microphone thing.
