
Saturday, March 7, 2009


We had an intruder in our home last night.

A big, dark, formidable shape was lurking in our bedroom.

I could hear the heavy breathing in the darkness.

I tiptoed in, holding my breath, as I switched on the light.

Imagine the horror when I saw this on my bed!
It was Smokey...aka Fat Bastard.

And wait. I think he has an accomplice. Yes, if you look carefully you will see the backside (and more!) of a certain Mexican.
Spoiled. Rotten. Ridiculous.

If you want to read more about Smokey and the rest of the critters around here, check out this post.


  1. Awe, so cute:) We let our dog sleep on the bed too. But she tends to hog the bed.

  2. Oh how funny! Cute pets! Have a great weekend!

  3. LOL .... I Know that feeling only too well.

    We made the mistake of allowing our two on the bed when they were puppies. I mean, they were so tiny so they didn't take up too much space.

    Now they are grown and still small ...however, they have this habit of worming in between us and kicking and pushing until they get comfortable. As a result, J and I often wake up to find ourselves lying at the edge of our respective sides of the bed, with our two *darlings* stretched out in absolute comfort in the middle..

    They're lucky we love them and are tolerant!!

  4. You really had me going there! Really cute pets, they look so comfy while the humans toil to support them.

  5. I know what it's like to have that kind of intruder. I am awakened almost every night to the sounds of my snoring Chihuahua, Lucy!

  6. Hey, we have our own "FB" cat. We call him Jabba the Hutt. And he stows away in our bedroom sometimes. And then he SNORES!

    Your two intruders are so cute---I'll bet they didnt even get in trouble...

  7. Too bad all intruders aren't that cute....LOL...
    wow you sure have a lot of pets around there, and they are all adorable.

  8. Too bad all intruders aren't that cute....LOL...
    wow you sure have a lot of pets around there, and they are all adorable.

  9. ROFL You had me nervous.

    Our big Annie thinks she's a lap dog. She's either in my bed or the boys' bed...EVERY NIGHT.

  10. If you had to have an intruder, good thing you've got cute ones!

  11. Am I the only one that sees what looks like a face on the Spanish one's behind? How weird is that? Blow that pic up and look....

  12. One of our cats is almost 19 pounds! You definitely know when he's in the bed! Thank goodness we have up the safety gates to keep him downstairs when we don't want him around.

  13. I am cracking up that you have nicknames for your animals that already have names. (and when you already have a like 20 cats and 10 dog names to keep track of LOL) I love your pogo stick cat, and would love to see him run...please take a video sometime:)

    I don't blame Fat bastard and his little mexican friend for sneaking in...look how cozy they are! Too Cute!

  14. So cute! My coworker is trying to talk me into taking her cat. This would be our 3rd cat and we have four dogs! Do I have SUCKER written across my forehead?!

  15. It's funny what we'll tolerate from our pets. Although for hubby...he put his foot down...the bed is OFF LIMITS PERIOD! (well at least when he's home)

  16. Hi, just browsing your blog a bit. I came via Nikki Crumpet's.

    Fat Bastard looks like a true character.

    You ever drink that wine of the same name, Fat Bastard? Yummy!

    Oh and loved the post where the laundry was DONE, mine is never. But someday it will be, post perma-remodel!

