
Friday, March 6, 2009

Sick Day

Cole woke up this morning with a fever and tummy ache. Unfortunately, he didn't wake up until we were getting ready to leave, so I had to scramble to figure out what to do. It's this kind of day that makes it tough being a teacher and living 30 minutes away from school.

After 5 phone calls letting various people know what was going on, Little Miss and I headed to school to get things organized for a sub and a morning field trip. Cole stayed with daddy and looked at tractor magazines so he was one content little boy.

I got sub plans organized for me and my IRLBFF teacher across the hall, then let one sub know she would be going on a music field trip while the other sub stayed behind with a small group of 5th graders. I haven't heard anything, so I assume it all went well.

Sometimes I forget that the world will continue to go on even if I am not at school in charge.

I have spent the majority of my unexpected day off changing my layout and header. I broke down and spent $10.00 on credits at Scrapblog since they are now charging for some of their items. And my bloggy friend, Marilyn at The Parks Farm, taught me just enough more HTML code to make me a very dangerous woman. I have spent way too much time messing around on this computer today. I blame her.

I did get a few chores done, but should really get off my butt and tackle the laundry situation.

Poor Cole is so pathetic. He has had a fever all day...and hasn't moved from the couch except to get on the recliner. Hopefully he perks up soon and we can enjoy the weekend.

Have a wonderful Friday. And now your moment of zen...


  1. AWW poor sick baby. I hope he is feeling better by now. I'm sure the little Miss appreciated having you home today. Missing a field trip had to really make you sad lol.

  2. I'm so sorry he's sick. Bless his heart.

    Love the new look! Pretty!

    Funny clipping.

  3. I love the new look, and that header is too stinking cute. Darn scrapblog for making us pay for the REALLY cute ones.
    The world does continue to turn. Odd feeling, huh? I have been SO useful today. Shockingly useful, but it's burning the nervous energy and keeping me from being a mess of tears.
    Still no reason for the fluid, which is a bad thing since they can't fix what they don't know. Not sure what our next step will be. I have a feeling this will be a very hard weekend.

  4. Sorry to hear about your son, I hope he feels better soon.
    Great newspaper clip, can you believe they actually print this stuff?

  5. I hope your little starts to feel better soon. Love the new header!

  6. Hope Cole feels better soon! Love the new layout - your time was well spent.

  7. I love your new header. I hope your son starts to feel better soon.

    I should probably get to my laundry too!

  8. Love the new blog look...very cool! And poor Cole. Being sick is no fun...I hope it's a quick thing and he's back up and at 'em tomorrow! Thanks for the millionaire info...I had been wondering! lol

  9. Very cute new layout - wish I knew some HTML to mess with mine. Hope your little man feels better soon.

  10. How about teaching us HTML?

    Hope Cole is feeling better soon, love the look of your blog

  11. I completely know what you mean about life going on when you aren't at school. When I take a day off, I still follow the bell schedule in my head. =)

  12. I love it!!!!
    Poor John Deere Boy, I hope he feels better soon :)

  13. Poor Cole.

    I have some credits at iStock Photo. I really can't justify spending money there...but it's so much fun.

  14. Your new layout is so neat!! Smarty pants.

    Hope your little Cole is better. Don't you love that name!? I do! Our Cole and Luke are helping 'Papa and Mimi' plant tomatoes in the morning. Then we may take them down to the river to feed bread crumbs to the ducks!

  15. I'm getting ready to go on the college road trip and am leaving student teacher girl with the best substitute in the county. They can do it better than I can, so why worry? I, apparently, am optional.

  16. Poor Cole, hope he's feeling better today.

    We've had assorted bugs going around the school . I had to take one of the kindy tykes to the nurse's office recently. All I can say about that one is....I'm eternally grateful that the school janitor had left the garbage bins outside the various classrooms we had to pass !!!

    The nurse's office is on the other side of the multi-purpose room and he did ask me why I was dragging the garbage bin with me ...followed a few seconds later by 'Ohhhh, I see' .....

  17. Bummer, I hope Cole is better today. Love the new look!!
