
Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Recap

It was so freaking cold here again this weekend! (It was 11 degrees when I drove to school this morning. 11 degrees. In March. Hello?! Global warming, my a$$.) I am very much looking forward to spring. We all need to get outside and run off some energy!

Despite the fact that we had to stay inside all weekend, we made our own fun! Little Miss decided to "camp out" on the couch with her lantern and Dora "ipod." Cole got to go to the barn a few times to help the guys grind feed. He even came back with his own feed. You'd be surprised at how a handful of corn can keep a little boy occupied for hours! Yay corn!
No weekend would be complete without a little dress-up. Little Miss went out all with a stunning navy evening gown, red Dorothy shoes, and jewels. Here she was hamming it up for the camera while dancing to a Barbie movie.
We also went to Grandma's house where the kids painted little wooden cut-outs. Cole did a great job of painting animals, even shading in and mixing colors to make "just the right shade." Little Miss spent most of her time smearing all the paint on her paper plate, then wiping her fingers off and asking for more.

All in all it was a relaxing, uneventful weekend. Just the way I like it.

This week we are in the second round of our state testing. It was scary hard today. I am hoping for much better things tomorrow during the language arts section.

My husband cooked dinner tonight. Pick yourself up off the floor, ladies. I am serious. I sat on the couch while he cooked dinner. This might not seem like a momumental occasion, but trust me. It was. A girl could get used to such treatment.

And the best news of all? I got my hair cut AND colored today. Phew. It was a little touch and go there for awhile but I made it. :)


  1. Where's your pic? I have to wait like 2 days to see it in person....what the heck?

    Love the dress up and corn play. Amazing isn't it? Why do we buy toys when there is corn to play with?

  2. Where's the pic of your new hair do?

    Sounds and looks like a great weekend.

    Hopefully tomorrow is a better day:)

  3. I was watching all the snow and thinking about you!!

    It was sunny, but windy here. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid-70's!! YAY!! You should move to Texas!!

    We have our English Language Arts state test tomorrow, but the rest of testing doesn't happen until the first week of April. I hate testing because the whole campus shuts down until 12:50....when we finally get to eat lunch!! And the seniors don't have to be there until 12:50 so the rest of the day is USELESS!!

  4. Reminds me of my little brother when he used to play with his little tractors. I think global warming has hit was 91 here today...:-)

  5. Man! I was looking forward to laughing at your cut minus the color tomorrow. I hope you tipped well! LOL
    Your husband cooked dinner??? What'd he make? Mine does that randomly, but makes a ginormous mess and it's done about 10 PM.

  6. Wow - sounds like a good weekend! I'm loving the dress up pics... could that little girl BE any cuter????

  7. YOUR husband cooked dinner??!! I take back two things I have said about him. Loved the pics ! You have to be in a good mood after getting your hair cut AND colored, I mean _ _ _ _ _.

  8. What a great idea. I'm bringing some feed in the house!

  9. Gosh, your kids are Super Cute. I love that they can entertain themselves, yeah for Corn!!!
    Yeah for getting your hair cut and colored, sorry about the freezing weather. I would trade some degrees with you if I could, I've been cheated out of Winter!!

  10. I'm praying for you ssme warm weather.
    The pics of the kiddos are so cute I love the evening dress.
    Way to go hubby for giving you a night off!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you enjoyed your cooked dinner - dinner always seems to taste better when someone else makes it!

  12. Wow...your husband cooked you dinner and you got your hair done! Sounds like a vacation to me! lol. Adorable pictures too. And I'm totally ready for warmer weather...although I guess I can't really complain since we're way above 11*!

  13. Men who cook rock, don't they? My husband is the chef in this house. If he'd do the dishes, too, it'd be my version of heaven :)

    The pictures of your kids are precious! I love Little Miss's iPod camp-out.

  14. I love your photo montages! I can see I need to get some piles of corn for my boys!
