
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And the winner of the John Deere lawn toys is...

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-05-21 00:27:11 UTC

Who's number 22? It's Sara from I'm the Mommy, That's Why!

Congrats, Sara! Sara is a SAHM of 2 adorable kiddos. Unfortunately, Sara's dad just passed away so I know she could use some well-wishes. If you have a sec, pop on over to her blog to wish her well. And Sara, when you have time, I need your address to get your goodies shipped to you!

Stay tuned for another Learning Curve giveaway next week! Want a peak? You know you do!


  1. Congrats to Sara and oh, goody, another giveaway! You rock.

  2. OMGosh YAY for Sara and I will be keepppppppin her family in my thoughts and ppppppppprayers

  3. Congratulations Sara! Your little guy is gonna love this!

  4. Dangnibbity. Congrats Sara. Heading over to her place now.

  5. The toys are going to such a good home, Congrats to the lucky winner!!
