
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Black Bean Salsa Recipe

I swear this will be the most delicious black bean and corn salsa you have ever tasted. It is so flavorful, fresh, delicious, and addictive!

You need: 2 cans black beans, 2 cans diced tomatoes, 1 can or frozen bag corn, 1 medium red onion (not pictured), 1/4 C cilantro, 1 large avocado, tobasco sauce, 1 lime, 1 tsp. cumin, 2 tsp. basil, 1 T. red wine vinegar, 1 T. olive oil, and salt and pepper.

Drain and rinse the black beans. Pour into large bowl. (You will notice this bowl wasn't big enough and I had to switch mid-way through the recipe.)

Add the corn. I prefer frozen corn that has been thawed. It seems fresher and crunchier.
Drain and add the tomatoes. I used one can of regular diced tomatoes and one can of diced tomatoes with chiles.
Chop the avocado into small chunks. The avocados I found were pretty small, so I used two.Add the chopped onion. I used a small red onion, but you can also use one bunch of green onions.
Squeeze in the juice of one lime.

Add 1 T. olive oil,
1 ts. cumin,
2 ts. chopped basil-dried or fresh. I had dried, so that's what I used.
Next you need 1 T. red wine vinegar.Now add 1/4 C fresh cilantro. I like mine chopped really finely, so I use a food processor.

Now add tobasco sauce, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix it all together and refrigerate several hours.

Oh, it's SO GOOD! I like to serve it with tortilla chips. Some people just grab a fork and dig in.

Enjoy! I'd love to hear what you think if you make it!


  1. This looks so good, I will have to make it! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. JDM is after my own heart! I will be making and devouring soon! Thanks!

  3. Looks yummy. I posted (on my cooking blog) a VERY similar recipe a week or two ago, and I was amused to see your photos and mine are VERY much alike. This is the perfect time of year for BBS! YUM

  4. So, my family LOVES your spaghetti casserole recipe. I am sure they will love this!!

  5. Thank you so much for this recipe, I will make it soon!

  6. This has to be awesome. I will try it for our cookout tomorrow.
    Thanks for the recipe!

  7. We just made it (except for the avocado). I thought it would be better to marinate until tomorrow. We will add the avocado in the morning!! It tasted yummy though!!

  8. I will have to try this recipe with avocado in it, looks scrumptious. Love all of the step-by-step pictures!

  9. we just did this recipe (kinda) for a Cooking with Jordan episode over on my blog. sooooo YUMMY!!!

  10. WOW GREAT PICTURES. I am going to make this!

  11. yummers...I love corn salsa and it is really hard to find here.

  12. Oh yum, that looks delicious! I am a cilantro hound, so that makes it look that much better!

  13. It was the hit of our Memorial Day gathering. After we got home, I was hungry so I heated a tortilla & used the salsa as filling. YUMMY!!

  14. You just saved the day...I was looking for a fun new recipe to make for a shower I'm co-hosting this weekend. I'll let you know how it turns out! Looks yummy!

  15. Sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it when the fresh corn comes out for the season :)

    Hey, we got our gator today and you're right - the kids are driving me crazy while it charges :)

    Thank you so much, what a great contest.

    Take care,


  16. I keep finding yummy recipes on all my favorite blogs tonight. Y'all are going to have me cooking all weekend!

  17. My husband would so love this recipe - unfortunately for him, it's not my thing! May have to show it to him for him to make on his own.

  18. Hello?! I had to make this last night. Just what I needed, and sooooo yummy. Next time I may have to double the batch and give hubs his own bowl!

  19. Did I tell you I made this last weekend? Because I did, and then I ate the gigantic bowl almost all by myself. :/ It's waaaay too good. Would be semi-healthy too, if I didn't use an entire bag of Scoops to get it in my mouth.

  20. That looks really good! I may just have to add that to my upcoming binder of recipes I'm putting together for myself.

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