
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

John Deere Giveaway Winner!

We have a winner!

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:64
Timestamp: 2009-05-07 01:35:29 UTC

Let's all congratulate...

Jennifer Juniper at Hope Studios!

Here's a snapshot of Jennifer's life from her "About Me" section:

I'm a mom to three boys (ages 10-6), who's life revolves around laundry, football practice, blogging and art. Much of my daily interaction with said boys involves snacking, burping, discussions about "balls" or "peters", farting, or You Tube. I have a small business and a group of friends (both real and bloggy) who provide me with the necessary estrogen to survive my testosterone-filled days. Got any estrogen to spare? Come on in!

It sounds like a remote control Gator is just what she needs. Maybe it will occupy the boys long enough for Jennifer to enjoy a cup of coffee with no ball or peter references.

Thanks to everyone for playing. It was great fun reading your comments, tweets, and posts. Now, before you "un-follow" me, listen here. I received an uber-large shipment of John Deere Toys from my friends at Learning Curve this week. You might just want to stick around here a little longer.


  1. Congratulations to Jennifer !!!

    Are you going to be able to pry the 'gator out of Cole's hands??

    Or is he taking a Charlton heston stance?? :-)

  2. Wow! What a very lucky lady!!!!

  3. Congratulations to Jennifer ! I forsee her hearing many " it's MY turn".

  4. Congratulations, Jennifer. With 3 boys she'll have to set up a schedule for playtime with the Gator. Thanks for having such a great giveaway, but I'm here to stay. I enjoy reading your blog.

  5. Congratulations to Jennifer! What a neat prize.

  6. Congrats to the Winner!!
    I am not going anywhere, You Rock!! You Rule!! Plus, I'm waiting for the Claire or Cole giveaway...

  7. LOL why would they 'un-follow' you? Your totally funny I'm sure they will stick around!

  8. Congrats Jennifer, and JDM who would ever think of not following you? Not me!! hehe

  9. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! You are very kind. Love your name!

  10. I'm so excited!!! I'd like to thank my three crazy boys for driving me to comb the internet to find ideas to entertain them and quit asking me if there is anything to eat.

    I'd like to thank my husband for going to work and leaving me with these boys alone, driving me to comb the internet to find ideas to entertain them! Ha!

    Thanks, girlfriend, I'm so excited! What a week for computer problems, I'm just finding out!

