
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Duck, Duck, Goose

Have you signed up for my John Deere Gator giveaway? Hurry! Only 3 days left!

What a great weekend! The weather was awesome so we were able to spend most of our time outside.

We went to the playground at school and did a lot of running and jumping.

Then we went to a local park and enjoyed the beautiful day.

The kids were rather impressed with the fowl. This momma goose was in no mood for visitors.

And Daddy goose? He kept giving us the threatening head bob so we kept our distance.
And the babies? Could not be cuter. Look how fluffy!
Look at the happy family. So sweet.

And then there was this. Why yes, that is a little goose on goose action.

Being held down under water while having my neck bitten? Not my idea of romance.
Lord, thank you for not making me a goose. Amen.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend (with or without goose lovin'.)

Have a wonderful Monday and remember...keep your ducks in a row.


  1. Looks like a good day! The pictures of the kids are super duper cute!

  2. Beautiful photos! The kids look like they had a blast, and the geese are awesome.

  3. I love the little holding hands sweet :)
    My little guy got attacked by a mama goose once, left a bruise!

  4. Those pictures of the kids holding hands are absolutely adorable! I hope those are getting framed. Fast!

    I learned something new here. I didn't know that geese of a different species could hook up and have geese babies. What do you know...

    I think you need to put a disclaimer on your blog. I didn't know that you'd be promoting porno! ;)

  5. great photos!! looks like a fun day:)

  6. I love the picture of them holding hands. The cement art is amazing. How fun is that!

  7. Great action shots! Holding hands....are they always that sweet to each other!? And am loving that pretty dress...a true princess!

  8. OH for HEAVENS SAKES! you crack me up girl!

  9. You are so funny and creative and've got it all JDM!!!

  10. Love that black & white pic. Beautiful!

    Little fluffy goslings are wicked cute!

  11. You take the best pics of your kids. Love it.

    Geese are evil, they will peck you or bite you or whatever, I know, happened to me when I was a kid...

  12. Hi, poppin over from Confessions of a Blogaholic. Cute blog!!

    I, too, am also glad God didn't make me a goose. :)

  13. Great pictures, looks like a fun day!
    Love the black and white pic of them holding hands, so sweet. :o)

  14. These photos are simply fabulous! Wow! Congrats on your Podium feature today!

  15. Beautiful pictures of your kids:)

  16. Your children are beautiful! Congrats on being featured blogger! Have a great week!

  17. Cute post!
    There is something about Geese that scares me. No idea why.

  18. Hello, I am new here (recently followin from SITS). Love the pics, too cute. It was great Duck and Goose weather here yesterday. Raining, we can duck under the covers and get goosed...haha!

    Going to check out the giveaway!

  19. What is with the fowl population, I have a post to write about ducks too!!
    Super cute pics, the one of your two beautiful kiddos sitting on the grass is so heartwarming.

  20. That is one thing I have never seen up close......ducks getting it on! hahahahaha

    The pics of your kids are great too!

  21. I LOVE the pictures!!! And I just now noticed your header....cute!

  22. Goose lovin' at it's finest. Too funny!!!

    I love those pictures of your kids. The one of LM jumping it too cute!

  23. The kids pictures are adorable but the goose loving . . . that was TOO funny!

  24. Looks like a fun day! The goose lovin' ... too funny! Little Miss looks adorable in her frilly dress.

  25. great pics, and that grass is so green! Love the Geese!

  26. That is just cute overload!!! I am a sucker for baby animals and that shot of the kids on the bridge is perfect. Sounds like a great day!

  27. I just about choked on my apple! Poor goose. I hope she was biting him back!!!

    I tagged you over on my blog today!

  28. Kids have it made!
    LOVE the ducks... soooo cute too!

  29. Looks like a lot of Fun!! Adorable Pics :)

    You have an Award waiting here for you..

  30. Thanks for taking us to the park with you, via photos. It's been raining like heck here, so I needed that.

    Came to see you from Blogoholic.
    Good job, my dear!

  31. What great pics. The grass is sooooo green!!

  32. Those are wonderful photos !!!

    I really like the ones of the kids from the back. Definitely shows the sibling bond at it's best :-)

  33. What sweet photos of you kiddos!! Loved the one of your girl hopping on the squares!

    OK, I've been around for a very long time--I even grew up "in the country". THIS was the FIRST time I'd ever seen geese "doing it"! EEEEEW! That was cruel! :) Dana
