
Saturday, May 2, 2009


Have you entered my John Deere Gator giveaway?

I took the kids out to lunch today as we ran errands. Our waitress was about 18-19 years old, tongue pierced, LOTS of black eye liner, and VERY pregnant. (I'm not judging, these are just the facts, ma'am.)

She took our order very quickly and brought our food out in no time. The kids quickly ate their lunch. I started to eat my chicken quesadilla but I just couldn't do it. It was bad. You have to really mess up my order to get me to send it back. And this? Was just gross. So I pushed my plate to the side of the table and waited. And waited. Fast forward about 30 waitress. No employees whatsoever. It was like a deserted island in there. Us and another couple looking very thirsty with their empty glasses.

I stood up and walked around a bit. Nobody. I would never leave a restaurant without paying, but I will admit, the thought crossed my mind.

I finally found someone and asked her to take my meal off the bill and that we were ready to go. No problem. About 5 minutes later, our waitress came up and asked, "Is everything okay?" The girl had mascara and eye liner down to her chin and bright red eyes. I told her my meal wasn't edible but that someone was taking care of it. She burst into tears, SAT DOWN AT OUR BOOTH, and explained that her mom had just called her and she hadn't talk to her mom in like 6 months and she was so upset she had to go out and smoke a cigarette.

*Did I mention that she was pregnant?*

I tried to hide my horror and explained that everything was fine and that it wasn't her fault that the food was bad. She then said, "I'll let you in on a little secret. The next time you order the quesadilla, ask for nacho cheese on it." Um, yeah. I don't think so. And I 'm pretty sure there won't be a "next time." But thanks for the advice.

As I was fuming patiently waiting for someone to help us, I had already made up my mind that I wasn't leaving a tip. Then the big, pregnant, teenager cried at our booth.

I ended up leaving her 30% and this written on the receipt, "Quit smoking. Your baby will thank you."

How's that for a tip?


  1. I officially Love YOU!! You are so GREAT!!! I am sending you a virtual cocktail and Salute to one Super Smart Human and Momma!!

  2. LOVE the tip! I can't believe that she came and cried at your table.

    We went out to eat recently during prom season. It was most interesting seeing the girls in their prom dresses - and pregnant, too.

  3. Good for you!!! People need to speak up's not like that baby can speak up for himself.

  4. Being the outspoken type I am, I would have probably embarrassed her (not on purpose) making a comment about her being pregnant and smoking. You handled this like a PRO.

    Your my Idol!!!


  5. That was a good way to handle the smoking comment; she sounds overwhelmed. CANNOT imagine not speaking to my mom, or my daughter not speaking to me. How sad.

  6. That's a good tip!

    Visiting from SITS

  7. Good for you! Now, here's hoping she will listen to your tip.

  8. OMG I scared my son when I read that - laughing so hard! LOL Awesome tip - I can never quite imagine why on earth someone would smoke while pregnant.

    A lady i just met in a playgroup (who is a nurse by the way) suggested when I told her that Zilla had been 10 pounds at birth actually said "well next time just smoke, that will keep em small"!!!! I already didn't really click with the lady but that was just nuts to me. Not sure if it was supposed to be a joke but I don't think so. Also some of the other ladies (who are preggers) were talking about "just a drink to two" now and then - I just don't get it. Oh well Good for you!

  9. I would have done the same thing... oh. my. god.

    I am praying for that baby RIGHT NOW (and I am not even a "godly" person).

  10. Stopping by from SITS. A funny and sad post at the same time. Perfect tip though! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  11. Ok...that is AWESOME for a tip! You did that baby a world of good! I hope she listens and stops!

  12. I would have just loaded her up in the bus and brought her home. THAT'S MY PROBLEM! LOL

  13. Unbelievable....I think I know that girl, I saw her in the medicaid office in a halter top and unbuttoned jeans....

  14. You are a good woman, that was a good tip to give the girl. I hope she listens, why oh why don't they stop to think what is good for the child? And the comment above about the nurse saying to smoke, and keeping the baby small, that is just WRONG!!

  15. I love your tip and note. Wow, what an interesting lunch experience.

    I can't believe people in this day and age actually smoke while pregnant. wow.

  16. It's sad someone does any type of drug esp. while pregnant. It's child abuse. There should be strict laws for it.

  17. Amazing! It sounds like something I would have done! :)

  18. AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    You are my hero!

  19. I promise I will call you every day and talk to you ! Love MOM ; )

  20. Although I quit smoking several years ago, back when I had my four children, even doctors smoked IN the hospital. I smoked through four pregnancies, all full term, all 7 pounds or over, and now all grown, healthy adults, who do NOT smoke. I also had a drink when I chose to, although I was never much of a drinker anyway. I honestly believe moderation in anything is the key, and this obsessive governmental intrusion into people's lives, trying so desperately to protect us from ourselves, is arrogance at its worst. I know you believe you were doing this waitress a favor; however, perhaps her MOTHER could have done her a much bigger one by seeing she didn't find herself pregnant and alone at such a young age. Her child will suffer more greatly from her mother's situation than he or she ever will from the cigarettes smoked during gestation.

  21. Damn, Angie, you've got yourself an anonymous commenter, too. Come on out and play if you want to criticize us, okay? I believe that the government is too intrusive but I believe that the mother in all of us just want to make sure that the babies we end up teaching have the best start possible. Yes, her own mother is at fault - but maybe something Angie did will steer her toward something positive.

  22. Oh anonymous! How exciting! You may get controversy up in this here JDM blog!
    You could've given her my phone number and told her I want a baby bad.
    Please tell me this wasn't at Cheeseburgers, and that we'll never go there again???

  23. Here I went and allowed anonymous comments for ONE day for those people who didn't have a blog but still wanted to enter to win the Gator and someone jumped on the opportunity. Jeesh. Anonymous comments have been taken care of. :) And Deb-we're good. It was a local joint which I will not be revisiting.

  24. I doubt that she will listen, but good try. I like the new header!

  25. Great tip. I can not stand to see pregnant girls smoking. I hope she takes it to heart.

  26. Oh yeah Anonymous, always blame the MOTHER LOL.

  27. Interesting how people who want to take the opposition always want to be anonymous....if they truly wanted to be "heard" they wouldn't hide behind anonymity...

  28. Wow! Your written tip was even nicer than the monetary one...maybe she'll start that journey that motherhood puts us on when we start to think about our babies before ourselves.

    My lovely SIL told me 17 years ago to mind my own business when I told her she was hurting her baby smoking...16 years later and more asthma-attack-induced rides in an ambulance than I can count on two hands...

  29. I hate to see so many young girls pregnant these days.
    I have a 17 year old & I am so glad that she is not interested in getting pregnant.
    Having two 2 year old brothers probably make her think twice.
    I am not ready to be a grandma any time soon.
    I think you did the right thing I can't stand to see people smoking or drinking while they are pregnant.
    They need to put there babies needs before there own.
    I'm backing you all the way.

  30. Just stopping by from SITS and wanted to say hello! I love your blog!!!

  31. I would have been very weirded out to have my knocked up teeny-bopper waitress having a sob-fest with me at my table during my (crappy) meal. I know she was trying to reach out, but man...

    I'm also proud that you tried to set a good example with your advice I just hope that it sinks in.

  32. It can be so frustrating when the waitress just disappears! I think it is great that you decided to leave a tip anyhow... plus a bit of advice... I hope she really thinks about it!

  33. Some people have no shame. At. All. Great tip you gave her there.

  34. Love it! Great tip! I can see a good deed and a great country song out of that one!

  35. Crazy.

    I'm glad you spoke up - or wrote up anyway about her smoking. Excellent tip.

  36. Good on you for leaving the note on the tip !! :-) Somebody needs to stand up for that helpless baby...

    Sounds a bit like a recent trip we had to Applebees ... except the waitress didn't sit and our booth and cry and I don't think she was preggers..

    However, she did tell us about her awful day and that it had ended up with her getting a ticket and she was feeling a little rattled. I think that was supposed to explain her slow service...

    Dunno what the cook's explanation was for the chicken that was well undercooked..
