
Friday, November 20, 2009

An ode to the best Christmas movie of all time

Starring John Deere Mom, Farm Guy, Tractor Boy, Little Miss, and Grandpa.


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  1. I love those! I'm just jealous because I couldn't figure out how to post the one I did for Halloween on my blog!

  2. Love IT!!! Hey....I read your profile too for the first time. Like it also. I am amazed by women who are able to run a home with children & work outside of the home! I barely manage to keep my sanity & do the laundry on most days! By the way,you commented on my list in a recent post where I had won an award. I had admitted that I am a carb-oholic. You asked my favorite carb. Well, I am preferential to angel hair pasta with just about any sauce! How about you?

  3. Love grandpa's cameo appearance!
    HILARIOUS! And that? Is the best Christmas movie ever?

  4. That was a statement, not a question. Noah is whining. So there.

  5. I was going to report this for abuse but it was you so ....
    HA! Love ya!
