
Monday, October 8, 2012

Two Weeks

For as long as I've been teaching, we've had a two day fall break in mid-October.  This year, we've done things a bit differently.  We started school earlier in the summer which was...difficult.  But today I feel completely fine with that decision as we have just started our first day of a two week fall break!  Two weeks off smack dab in the middle of my favorite time of year. 

It's so nice having time off when it's beautiful outside...when it's cool enough to enjoy it.  When it's so beautiful that just being outside and enjoying all the colors of fall is activity enough. 

Today we're going to get pumpkins and gourds.  I hope to try my hand at a little Pinterest-pumpkin decorating with glitter and spray paint.  Tomorrow will be a day spent with my sister and her babies.  Wednesday is a kid-free day with a hair appointment, Ikea, Jungle Jim's and Charming Charlie's.  Thursday will bring us to an indoor water park.  Friday will be a day to rest and stay in jammies.  Ahhh.

And the fact that after all that we still have another whole week off?  Amazing.


  1. 2 weeks? Wow... that's a long time. I'd worry my kids will forget all the rules they hardly know anyways! :0 Do you still get a week spring break? how much at Christmas and Thanksgiving?

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  3. I can't imagine being in school when it's still HOT! I hope they have AC! My kids' school is looking into year-round school as another option for families starting in July of this year. I like the idea of having longer breaks throughout the year too, but we'll be keeping the kids in the traditional school year. :-)

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  5. تشمل الطرق التي يجب اتباعها في نقل العفش التعامل مع افضل شركة نقل عفش حتس سمكنك الحصول على بطاقات ضمان النقل، وصيانة المواد التي ستستخدم في العملية مثل بال بال أو دودات لحماية الأشياء من التلف أثناء النقل، والتحقق من أن الباص الذي سيستخدم في النقل يأتي مع سكات سارية تسمح له بتحمل الأشياء بأمان.

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