
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Too Much Love

Apparently my computer couldn't handle all the comments you showered me with the past few days because it DIED. You killed my computer.
But get this. When I called my friendly HP support person, Bob (I'm thinking his middle name might be Habib or perhaps Kumar) either way, "Bob" informed me that the warranty on my computer expires tonight at midnight. Can you believe that? My computer died on the last day of its warranty. So, I have to thank you for killing my computer in time. As it is, "Bob" is sending me a box to ship my precious baby away for service. In the meantime I am using its evil, unreliable cousin, Old School Dell. Old School Dell likes me to wait a few seconds in between typing words. He likes to randomly stop my mouse in mid-scroll and then go real fast around the screen. Old School Dell has problems.
Please wish my precious baby Slimline HP a speedy recovery. In lieu of flowers, comments will be accepted.


  1. Crack me up with your description of Old School Dell. LOL.

  2. I wish your HP a speedy recovery. We have new school Dell. It's a beautiful pink flowered model. But we had a few issues on start up and I spoke with Sally in "Umbai." I love Sally. She got us fixed for a few moments. Until I had to call one more time and speak with Billy. I bet he's Bob's cousin.

  3. I spoke to one of bob's relatives about my dell too. It was shocking the crap out of me and he kept asking things it in water? Did you stick your finger in the outlet? I had to hang up on him.

    I'm SO glad your computer died in time for free repairs! That is amazing.

  4. hehe! I hope your computer gets better soon! :)
    and in my little voice I'm saying... "you should have an apple computer and that wouldn't happen" :) hehe

  5. oh, SO glad the timing was good! I'd love to come up with a cute-sy creative comment, but my head is fried from 12 hours in the 100 degree sun today. Anyway, speedy recoveries!!!

  6. Oh my gosh, I can't believe we killed your computer...but thank goodness Bob has your back. Old School Dell needs to get some new school style...quickly! lol Great post~

  7. Sounds like this time it was a good problem to have and the bloggers of your universe saved the day...(trumpet sounds)!

  8. Speedy recovery o your *baby* !!

    I'm thinking of getting a Toshiba, mainly because when I take it back to NZ with me, and it throws a wobbly, I can call, and take it into, a local person to fix. That's a big plus !!

  9. That sucks. Well, it sucks a lot less than if it had died say, next week!
    We're dry. Barely. The creek at the park 1 block away flooded up onto the road, and water was coming down the highway from Bush's market. This place is a mess, though. No cable. At least we have air. God forbid I not have air when people entire homes are flooded!
    Hope you're good and kickin it old school isn't hurting too much.

  10. Thanks, everybody. I have OSD working a bit better after deleting pretty much every file and program it ever thought about having. Just me and the internet now. And I must's working better than ever! I might even be able to post my next Crock Pot recipe tomorrow. Can you handle the excitement?!
    Karen-I could listen to you talk and type all day. Throws a wobbly is my new favorite expression.
    Deb-Glad you guys are dry. Mom and Dad are too but Mom is beside herself with no cable which, for her, means no Internet. Oh the humanity! Dad got as far into downtown as he could, parked at Sears, and walked to the 3rd street bridge to take pictures. Crazy man.

  11. My prayers are with you and your computer. God speed, Slimline HP, God speed.

  12. Kumar...I am laughing so hard right now. I love it when things work out.. but Old Dell will get you through it.

  13. Thanks Heather and Mrs. R! Ready for another fun-filled day over at SITS!

  14. Killed with kindness. Speaking of which, I could possibly be suffering the same fate as my 2-year-old daughter is currently brushing my hair for me as I type. It HURTS!
    (I'm in England in case anyone is thinking I am the cruelist mum alive keeping my kids up to the small hours while 'surfing'.!

  15. Loving the Old School Dell! Get well soon, little computer.

    Did I hear you type crock pot? I loves me the crock pot!

  16. talk about perfect timing! hope your souped up HP gets to come home soon!

  17. Old school Dell is acting up here also but I am IT in this house (and my parents) so its either moo along with gateway or wait until I get to it!
    Have a great week SITS sister!

  18. Oh! Get well soon, Slimline HP!

    You are sorely missed at the office! Can't wait for you to return- I must see that blouse and cute shoes!!!

  19. Why is it everything I get near dies!!
