
Monday, June 9, 2008

John Deere Fruit Snacks

Have you seen these? When my tractor loving son spotted them from across the aisle at was love at first sight. Those marketing people at Kellogg's are mighty smart. They could sell brussel sprouts in a John Deere box and my son would HAVE to have them. Maybe I should suggest that to our dentist. Lord knows we will need an extra visit after these sticky, sugary snacks.

I have much, much more to say but Old School Dell is just not cooperating. I was going to post pics of the cute blouse and matching shoes I just bought, but OSD seems to think the minimize button means exit. Quite frankly, he is royally pissing me off.
Time to go brush my kid's teeth.


  1. Those are too funny! I need to find them around here for my friends' kids.

  2. so cute!! i thought the Lego snacks were creative! well we know where to make a buck if we ever need to!

    OOH Xanax gummies!

  3. John Deere fruit snacks? Ummm...good. We get the betty crocker ones. Cause ya know, we are uber healthy here. And corn syrup is not the first ingredient. It's the second. So I can pretend they are eating things that are good for them.

  4. Oh my gosh! I want some!! *whines and stomps feet*

  5. Yum! Noah would love those! I miss your posts and comments--tell OSD to cooperate! Can you tell Shawn's gone--I'm krazybloggin!

  6. Jen beat me to mentioning the Lego snacks -- I think those were clever, too. How about some in the shape of scrapbooking supplies for my crops?

  7. Oh wow! If Z's Grandpa sees those around here I know what Z is getting.... :)

  8. matching John Deere purse? I WANT ONE!

  9. Made the crockpot rigatoni and it was tasty!! Everyone ate it up. I halved the recipe and there are rigatoni leftovers all over the place.

  10. Those are so cute! We do the Welch's Fruit Snacks. They say like no preservatives, but how can that be?

  11. wow ...i LOVE these ...I hope we have them at walmart in canada because they will make the perfect gift for my cousins in ireland who are dairy farmers...i am visiting them the end of June so i'll have to check out our walmart! btw...yes, it is crazy to go to school until the end of june...we go back the tues. after labour day in september...the high school is in exams now so some kids are done, but the elementary schools hand on until the is soooooo hot without air in the schools!

  12. Too cute. OSD is on our poopy list!

  13. I am amazed at the marketing to get kids to eat fruit snacks. I have been Nemo and Scooby and Princesses and Dora...And kids HAVE to have their favorite characters. What's in those fruit snacks? Can't be fruit...some kind of mind control gummy stuff? I sense a conspiracy theory coming on...

  14. Hmm I'll have to pick some up my HUSBAND would love them LOL.

  15. LOL why do I have a feeling someone will be buying these for my husband on Monday (his birthday)!!! We collect JD stuff, and well, that strikes me as something someone will give him just to mess with him! LOL
