It's hard to believe this is the 7th Halloween since I've been a mom. And as we gear up for a night of trick-or-treating tomorrow night, I thought I'd take a trip down Halloween memory lane. (By the way, as a mom and a teacher, Halloween on a Sunday night blows. Just sayin'.)
Apparently I didn't take the camera along in 2004 and 2006 because try as I might I couldn't find any pictures. I know Claire was a lamb one year, but for the life of me I can't remember any of the other costumes. Oh well...I wasn't going to win MOTY anyway!
Halloween, 2003. Cole was 9 days old. An angel seemed most fitting.

Halloween, 2005. Cole was a chicken. This was one of my favorite costumes ever. His dad wasn't nearly as impressed. Little Miss was a giraffe. Can you spot her? She's the one that looks really pissed off...

Claire decided she wanted to be a cheerleader when she discovered 2 pom-poms in her closet. We even teased and sprayed her hair. She especially loved the tights.
Halloween 2009 proved to be a tough decision on the part of the Little Miss. She had decided upon a dinosaur, which was a pretty awesome costume. And as we took the obligatory pictures 20 minutes before leaving to go trick-or-treat, she burst into tears and said she wanted to be a princess. Had she said anything else, it wouldn't have been possible to make something so fast. But because she really IS a princess, with a closet full of princess dresses, a quick change was made. And everyone was happy.

Cole wanted to be a race car driver, which ended up being very easy. We stuck him in a snow suit and snow boots and borrowed a cousin's racing helmet. Done.
This year? The Little Miss wants to be Dorothy. Does she know who Dorothy is? Um, no. No she does not. All she knows is she has a pretty blue and white dress with matching hair bows. And she is happy.
The boy wants to be a cowboy. But I am sure that will change about 10 times before tomorrow night. Wish me luck!
If you want to see even more Halloween pictures, get some great blogging tips, enter for a chance to win a Canon camera, or just tell Tiffany and Kat how pretty they are...just
click here to visit the girls of SITS. And then tell John Deere Mom sent you. Because I really want to win that camera.