Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things...

7. Harvest time. Even though I love being surrounded by corn fields all summer...harvest time is big in our house. It doesn't mean much to me except it makes the two men in my life uber happy. You can't imagine the thrill they get simply by driving a combine through a field of corn or beans and harvesting it. Plus it gets them out of the house and leaves Claire and me to paint our toenails in peace.

9. Coldstone's Pumpkin Pie in the Sky. I don't think I need to say much more. Except that if you have not had this...you must go. Right now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I could.
But I won't.
Because this is all I can think about right now.
Seriously. If I ran into him, say, in a hotel room...or perhaps a dark corner of a bar...I just don't think I could restrain myself.

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Happy Birthday

Did I mention she loves the unicorns? And sleeps with both of them?

Friday, September 19, 2008
Three years ago...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today the kids made caterpillars and it kept them quiet for nearly 15 minutes. People. Do you understand the magnitude of that sentence? 15 minutes of quiet. No arguing, fighting, screaming, whining, crying, fussing...just quiet.
500 count package of paper...$5.99
500 round stickers...$1.99
2 markers...$2.00
15 minutes of quiet...PRICELESS
Cole suddenly turned Asian in this last pic...but look at that name written all by himself. So big!
For more great tips, check out WFMW at Rocks in my Dryer.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ike Needs a Geography Lesson

Just look at that. Chicago got over 6 inches of rain today and 4 people were killed in Indiana from this storm that started in Texas. Unbelieveable. My heart goes out to those affected in Texas. We lost power and had some damage to two buildings. Trees are down all over the place. The corn and soybeans were knocked down and blown over. Then I think about how far this storm traveled...and how powerful it had to have been in Galveston.
Once the power had been out for an hour or so, the natives were getting restless. So we braved the 50 mph winds to play for a little while.
Here are the guys repairing one of the two buildings that had damage. Many of the metal roof pieces were flailing around wildly. I purposely brought my new car into the garage, away from the damage. As they were working on the metal sheets, one of them came loose and went tearing ass towards the garage....towards my new car! They both screamed, "Sh!t!" and hoped for the best. Luckily it stopped just shy of hitting the car. Phew.
Hope you are your family are safe and sound this evening. Godspeed to the search and rescue teams in Galveston. As Cole would say, "Fank you God and amen."

Thursday, September 11, 2008
This must be some sort of world record
Thanks for the concern with my salmonella/hepatitis/cootie covered gum. Luckily it was nothing a bottle of wine couldn't cure. Oh, and Little Miss is fine too. But I didn't give her any wine. I just brushed her teeth a little longer than usual. I told that story to someone in person today and the look of horror was so funny. It really was awful...especially when the d*$m Wal-Mart had me so distracted that I didn't even remember that the gum had JUST been on the floor when I popped it into my mouth. Stupid Wal-Mart.
I sat in a dentist chair for 2 hours yesterday with my mouth open while the
My new car is super awesome. I love it and am keeping it clean and mess-free. No drinks or snacks for the kids. So far, so good. It still smells new and I LOVE that. Lovin' the Sirius satellite radio too. Might just have to renew that subscription when my free 6 months is up...
School is moving right along. Next week starts our big state testing. We are super lucky and get to test twice this year as we are moving from fall testing to spring testing. We will ALL be glad when this round is over. I am so sick of reviewing for the stupid test I can't hardly see straight. I can't wait to dive into curriculum without worrying about "the test." At least until March...
Little Miss and Tractor Boy are doing a great job at daycare and preschool, respectively. Cole has "share" day tomorrow with the letter A. He has an airplane packed in his bookbag. He is super excited. He informed me yesterday that he wanted to be a farmer when he grows up. Shocking, I know. Little Miss, "I want to be a princess." I think you can check that one off your list, my dear.
Speaking of Little Miss...she will be 3 in 8 days!!! *sigh* I can't remember a time when this child wasn't 2 years old. Seriously, I feel like she's been 2 her entire life. She came out in the "terrible twos." She has been talking, walking, demanding, bossing, and ordering her way through life for...forever. How can she only be 3?! We are going to have a couple of her friends over for her first friend party. She doesn't know yet, but she does know that she will be 3 "when it's my birfday and I will have cake and ice cream." The girl has her priorities straight.
I know I promised to do Sarah's school meme. And I will. I promise. Just not tonight. It's all of 8:50 and it's dark. And I am slowly losing feeling in my hands. And my jaw is reminding me that it is time to take more Advil. And Jose is reminding me that he's ready for bed. Speaking of Jose, I will leave you with this pic my mom sent me last week. Where were these guys a few weeks ago?!

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Gag Me With a Spoon
We parked far, far away from the other vehicles at the Wal-Mart so I didn't realize just how busy it was going to be. I gave each kid a piece of gum upon arriving as to reduce the amount of noise they would make. It worked pretty well. For awhile.
Then of course we walk by the restooms and they both HAVE to go. Typical. I park the full cart and head into the restroom. We walk to the large stall, Cole in front, then me, then Little Miss...complete with a very extravagant purple Easter dress on. She's a princess, remember? Just as I turn around to close the door behind us, I catch Little Miss picking her gum up OFF THE FLOOR AND PUTTING IT BACK IN HER MOUTH! Oh my lord. It happened so fast the only thing I got out was, "Ack, don't p..." And then it was in and she resumed chewing. Dis.gus.ting.
Cut to about 10 minutes later. We are schlepping through the place, desperate to get through the crowd, trying to find an open cash register. Little Miss decides she is tired of her gum and hands it to me. I have no wipes, no tissues, so I pop it in my mouth. As soon as I start chewing, I remember. The gum was on the floor. In the bathroom. At Wal-Mart.
Excuse me while I go gargle bleach.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
About Time

A new read of mine, Thotlady, gave me this sparkly award. Thotlady has a very pretty blog and has great things to say. Need a sugar fix? Try these babies!
Linda at Parker's Paradise also gave me the brillante award. How sweet are ya'll?! Linda has a lot of blogs and has some great recipes. She is even starting to talk and think about fall decorations...which is my favorite season to decorate for. Go check her out!
Thanks for the awards, ladies. You know how to make a girl feel loved. Coming tomorrow? Sarah at Reading Teachers Rock (and hell yeah they do!) tagged me for a school meme. Stay tuned.

Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day

Yep. He had to have 3 staples put in. They said he did great and didn't throw the fit you would expect. He did equally well a couple of weeks later when we had to take him in to get them removed. Such a brave little boy.
That's my story! If you want to share your labor story, link over to Shannon. Let me know if you do...I'd love to read your stories! Happy Labor Day!