Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-05-21 00:27:11 UTC
Who's number 22? It's Sara from I'm the Mommy, That's Why!
Congrats, Sara! Sara is a SAHM of 2 adorable kiddos. Unfortunately, Sara's dad just passed away so I know she could use some well-wishes. If you have a sec, pop on over to her blog to wish her well. And Sara, when you have time, I need your address to get your goodies shipped to you!
Stay tuned for another Learning Curve giveaway next week! Want a peak? You know you do!
I am submitting this photo into the www.iheartfaces.com Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites.
Have a great face photo you want to enter? Just click on the link below. But hurry, entries close at 9:00 p.m. Central time.
*that I used the "gritty" effect on this picture with Picnik?
*that I always take a self-portrait in front of my Nester-like plate wall?
*that I have 12 days of school left?
*that I couldn't handle 13 more days of school because the kids are driving.me.crazy?
*that I have a giveaway for John Deere lawn toys going on right here?
*that I cringe every time I see another wedding, graduation, and shower invitation in the mail?
*that I do not plan on spending even one minute of my summer on silly committees and classes?
*that I DO plan on taking the kids to daycare one day a week? I call those my mental health/clean the house/shopping days.
*that I am out of wine but luckily have a bottle of vodka and orange juice?
*that my son graduates from preschool on Wednesday?
*that this is my new ringtone and I love it?
*that my sister got a swanky new iPhone and wanted that ringtone but couldn't get it on iTunes so I stole it? Neener.