January-We had way too many snow days and mommy went just a little crazy.
February-We enjoyed playing in the last big snowfall of the year with four-wheelers, sleds, and hot cocoa.
March-The kids and I had a great Spring Break. We had our first overnight stay away from home at Aunt Susie's house. We had a blast at Bouncertown. And the weather finally took a turn for the better.
April-Work in the fields began. Cole started soccer lessons. The Easter bunny came. And the geese? Well, you know what happens in the spring...
May-We spent most of our time outside enjoying the wonderful weather. The flowerbeds were planted. (And oh, how I long for those bright, vibrant colors again!) My baby graduated from preschool!
June-School FINALLY ended and summer officially began! (Can I tell you how many more pictures I took in the summer when that teaching thing wasn't consuming all of my time?!) I spent the night in the hospital with a ruptured ovarian cyst. The kids started swimming lessons. The wheat was harvested.
July-Manure was spread. The corn grew tall. Flowers were in full bloom. We enjoyed a trip to the zoo and our first family vacation to Fair Oaks Dairy Farm.
August-We savored every last minute of summer. We went to our first state fair. My baby went off to kindergarten. Claire went back to daycare. And mommy went back to work. Wah!

September-Little Miss turned 4. The kids spent their first night away from home without Mommy at Aunt Susie's. We got back into the swing of being back in school and daycare again. We enjoyed the last warm days of an Indian Summer.
October-Cole turned 6. Harvesting began. We had a great Fall Break. We even made it to a science museum. And of course, there was trick-or-treating.
November-We gave thanks. The crops were finally in. We played in the leaves when we weren't battling a cold or stomach bug.
December-The kids grew more excited for Christmas with each passing day. The opening of each door on the Advent calendar became the highlight of the day. Finally, Santa came. We spent time with wonderful family and friends. We listened to Christmas music and watched Christmas movies. We enjoyed a relaxing break from school.

Goodbye, 2009. You were a great year...but I have a feeling 2010 is going to be even better!
Happy New Year, everyone!