And then? I noticed just how much of a lover he actually was.
Holy huge walrus penis!
As I was trying desperately to ignore it, despite the giggles from the other adults around, I heard my daughter (loudly) exclaim,
"Woah! Look at that big giant peepee!"
My son followed with an even louder,
"WOW! His peepee is even bigger than daddy's...and daddy's got a pretty big peepee!"
Everyone within a 10 foot radius heard their rather enlightening conversation and burst into laughter.
Even later, when we stopped for an early dinner, the kids could not quit talking about the giant peepee.
Fast forward a few months...
Last week, Cole and I were working on a drawing for part of his homework. We were supposed to be drawing a whale. The Little Miss decided to draw a whale of her own. After seeing it, I said, "Baby! That's so good! It looks just like a walrus!"
Her eyes lit up.
A light bulb went on above her head.
She grabbed the crayon in her grubby, little hand and ran off into the other room. A few seconds later, she came screaming back in, "Ta da! His big giant peepee!"

I am dreading W week in preschool.
LMAO! Hilarious post!
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Crack me up !!! I always tried to distract our girls when getting close to the monkey display. Those monkeys were always doing something difficult to explain.
Way too funny! I can't stop laughing!! Don't you just LOVE what comes out of the mouths of babes!!
Come by when you figure out how to explain this one at the parent conference...
OMG I'm crying!
Hysterical! Those farm kids don't miss much, do they? And I so did not need to know about Daddy's peepee size!
You should just never mention the world "walrus" around either child again. Good luck with that.
Omg!!!! Friggin hilarious!!!!
We had a run in with a giant giraffe penis at a zoo a couple years back... that dude was trying to mount BIG time and he was HUGE! My husband was like dumbfounded!!
Oh geez, this made my day!
I so needed a laugh this evening. Thank you so much for sharing this story with me. I'm still laughing so hard I'm about to pee....
OK, but what does it say about me that I noticed the walrus is... ahem... touching himself...
After reading Shannon's comment I had to go back and have another look lol.
OMG. I don't know what was funnier, the comparison to your DH or the drawing. Good luck!
OHMYGOSH!!!! This is so freaking funny. I passed it on to my sister.
OHMYGOSH!!!! This is so freaking funny. I passed it on to my sister.
Ok, you've totally got to warn a person not to be drinking anything when scrolling down to that picture!!!! LOL!!!
That was awesome! Why did you wait so long to share with us??????
Like, totally.
Comment partially disappeared. It said, "Cracking up. Like, totally."
(because I am an idiot and used tag symbols instead of normal everyday parentheses.)
Oh my gosh...that is so funny!! I have to agree with Shannon....I too noticed he was quite a "lover" as you said!!! :) The pictures are awesome of him tho!! :)
OMG!! That is too funny!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Hilarious!!!!!
aka walrus wanking!
I'm going through my old posts and found this one I had linked up too back then. OMG still hilarious!!
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