We are beginning week 2 of our 2 week fall break. It is the absolute best time of year. I can't tell you we've been too busy because we haven't. But that's why it's so awesome....time to just stop and breathe.
I'm teaching 6th grade. Those cute little farm kids I've been writing about for years are now 8 and almost 10. What? When? How? Little Miss just started guitar lessons. How cute is she?!

I just dyed my hair dark brown. Dare I say almost black? It's definitely not like me to make drastic changes-change is bad, scary, and uncomfortable. But I needed a change-I was in a rut of sorts. And I love it.

I'm watching The Amazing Race and loving it. My favorite team is the football playing duo. I also love the ER doctors and the shaggy, homeless looking men. I'm also watching the Colts and Broncos defeat their opponents week after week. We went to our first Colts game in ages last week. I would LOVE to be in Indy next week when Peyton comes home. I fully expect a standing ovation and a stadium full of tears when he returns to Lucas Oil. Sigh.

I've been reading some great books. The Homecoming of Samuel Lake was good...and terrible...and so difficult to read. But it was great. Me Before You was amazing and ripped my heart out. I do love a good cry at the end of a book and this one certainly delivered. I just started We Need to Talk
About Kevin. Phew. This is going to be like The Lovely Bones, in which it gets in your head and sits and stews for weeks. I'm anxious to be finished with it and don't want it to end at the same time.

I just made this chili for dinner tonight. It truly is the best chili recipe ever and even though it's been unseasonably warm...I was craving a big bowl of chili. That's what October is all about, right?

Things are all kinds of busy on the farm. Busy like, "Hi honey. Bye honey." I haven't seen the two boys in my life for much more than an hour total over the past week. But they are loving life and super happy to be back in the combine, harvesting the beans and corn. The little miss and I are enjoying having control of the remote (Hello, Say Yes to the Dress) and plenty of time to shop.
I walked in my first 5K a couple weeks ago. My very pregnant sister and I did it together. It was fun and exciting and I hope to do more...maybe even a mini marathon at some point in the future.
The Little Miss and I made gak when we were babysitting my nieces last night. Glue, water and borax turned into a whole lot of fun. If you haven't tried it, here's the recipe we used.

How's that for a blog post? Good, no? Maybe you won't have to wait so long for the next one. I've missed this.
Your readers have missed you too! Glad to see you are back!
What????????????? JDM posted????????????? You made my heart sing this morning. Difficult to do, given current situation and all.
Loved all of it, even though I already knew most of it. I tried to read We Need to Talk about Kevin when I was pregnant, but I just couldn't do it. But then Addison made the rare feat of getting the library book (I usually hide them from her) so this one is half coverless and officially mine. I'll get to it eventually. Maybe. You'll have to let me know if I can handle it, emotionally.
Have a GREAT second week of break. Me? I'm off to a day of staff meetings. Wheeeeeeeeeeee.
Oh and if you click back and read stuff from a few years ago, you'll REALLY want to blog more. Because someday they'll look small in these pics. I was doing that the other night, and it's a special form of torture to read old stories and look at pics where they look so tiny and sweet.
Oh, We Need to Talk About Kevin will stay with you FAR longer than weeks. But it's an amazing book.
Anyway! Good to see you back, I cannot believe your kids are that old! Sigh...
(oh by the way, it's the Blogger Formerly Known As Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional)
So Glad to see you back! I was gone for a while too so I understand but we are here and do want to hear from you!! LOVE the hair on you, it looks good. I am digging the homeless looking guys on Amazing Race too. Glad the boys are happy on the farm and that you get to shop in peace!!
I like that I keep up with you on FB so I don't feel too out of sorts. I think I actually start a lot of sentences with, "My blogger friend in Indiana..." because you are a HOOT a lot of the time. Anyway, I guess it's my turn to write a life update. UGh.
Thus we know how things were mid-October! Now I say, Merry Christmas!
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