Little Miss had her first "friends" birthday party today. This consisted of two other little girls and Claire squealing, screaming, and jumping up and down. Luckily I had plenty of crafts and activities planned to keep the squealing to a minimum.
They stuffed their own teddy bears. Okay, they put one piece of stuffing in and I did the rest. And I dressed the bears. And filled out their adoption papers. Jeesh...whose party was this anyway?
Little Miss got a Little Pony doll and new baby doll. She was thrilled and has requested both her little friends come back tomorrow with more presents for her.

The kids also decorated a coloring book and visor with foam stickers. This actually took quite some time and they were quiet while doing it. Note to this every day.
Then we got out the ball pit and let the kids go wild. Think of it as a poor girl's bounce house. Without the house and without the, um, bounce.
Soon balls were flying everywhere. It was every man for himself.
My sister and I both got Claire a stuffed unicorn. The same one...twin sisters we told her. They kept these 2 occupied while we waited for the third little friend to arrive.

Did I mention she loves the unicorns? And sleeps with both of them?
The girls squealed their little lungs out in the princess castle. They hid and I found them. And occasionally Cole lifted the castle right off of them. That didn't go well.
The girls had VERY pink cupcakes, ice cream, and milk out of the cutest little tea cups from Grandma. Both friends had places to go after the party and I started to panic when I saw just how "staining" the cupcakes were. So I grabbed dish towels and hair clips and voila! No mess!
A good time was had by all. And everyone is so tired from the festivities, I am planning early bedtimes all around. Good times, indeed.

Did I mention she loves the unicorns? And sleeps with both of them?

Aww, what a cute, fun birthday party ! The little stuffed bears are so adorable. Claire will be needing some BFF necklaces ; )
Oh my gosh, she is soooo cute and it looks like they had a GREAT time.
I have a pressent for the little Unicorn lover...
Tell her it's from me, and remember, saftey first!
How fun. Looks like she was tickled *pink* with her party.
She is too freakin' cute. Love the unicorns. And you are so sweet to let her keep both of them. I would have immediately made plans to regift one :-)
Yea! Happy birthday Little Miss! SHe looks SOOO happy! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. :)
Awww sounds like the party was a success!! She's too cute, I swear!!
she is a doll!!! happy birthday!
How fun - a totally girly partay! How tired are you?
Thank you for giving me ideas for my daughter's 3 year birthday party next month...
She is beautiful...and definitely a "Little Miss!"
It looks as though they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves !!! So cute :-)
Hope you were able to relax with a glass of wine .... or two, afterwards. You deserve it! :-)
I love screaming little girl parties.
They are so cute & it looks like little miss had a very good day!!!
3 years old she is so big now!
Happy birthday, Claire!
Angie, I bet you are looking forward to tea parties!!!
How looks like the party was a smashing success!!!
Happy Birthday, Claire!!!
Awww, so precious - looks like a good time was had by all. Love the photo that is B&W with the orange ball - great shot!
She is adorable and it looks like her friends had so much fun.
Darn it...I wanna be invited next year. I want to make a Teddy Bear and have the adoption papers filled out for me and everythin'....soooo cool!
And I want cupcakes! Waaa!
Oh sorry. Regressed there a little. I had a nice birthday too after all...dinner at an Italian Restaurant. But I am telling my husband that next year I want a ball bounce!
That looked like so much fun!
What a fun party. I bet you are really tired too.
I love the picture with her throwing the ball at you. Cracked me up.
Funny ... I am in the midst of planning my daughter's party for 21 screaming 8 yr olds. Yup ~ I'll be taking them to a outdoor park to get all that energy out on some rides. So tell me again how many tylenol is healthy in one day?!
Oh that looks like fun! The girls looked like they had a great time and those cupcakes look delicious! Found you through SITS--have a great Monday night!
That is adorable!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog when it was featured last week! I'm still trying to catch up with all the comments I got!!
Happy Birthday to her! I love that picture with the red ball.
Awww -- happy birthday 3 year old! Looks like everyone had a good time. And I love the poor man's bounce house idea! :)
We celebrate my little girls 5th today -- come check it out.
Hope you're well!
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