Just look at that. Chicago got over 6 inches of rain today and 4 people were killed in Indiana from this storm that started in Texas. Unbelieveable. My heart goes out to those affected in Texas. We lost power and had some damage to two buildings. Trees are down all over the place. The corn and soybeans were knocked down and blown over. Then I think about how far this storm traveled...and how powerful it had to have been in Galveston.
Once the power had been out for an hour or so, the natives were getting restless. So we braved the 50 mph winds to play for a little while.
Here are the guys repairing one of the two buildings that had damage. Many of the metal roof pieces were flailing around wildly. I purposely brought my new car into the garage, away from the damage. As they were working on the metal sheets, one of them came loose and went tearing ass towards the garage....towards my new car! They both screamed, "Sh!t!" and hoped for the best. Luckily it stopped just shy of hitting the car. Phew.
Hope you are your family are safe and sound this evening. Godspeed to the search and rescue teams in Galveston. As Cole would say, "Fank you God and amen."
Holy Cow! I didn't realize it made its way all the way up there. I will admit I didn't watch the news at all yesterday, for some reason at the boys' football games they don't have a jumbotron on those pop warner fields, lol And today was my lazy day:(
Glad it didn't hit the new car, that would have been awful!
Wow. I need to watch the news more often. And I really wish Ike had made a beeline to Georgia. We are fried and dried up over here. And haven't gotten any of the rain from the past few hurricanes.
And those pictures of the little miss in the wind are fabulous!
yeah we got some minor remnants of gustav a couple of weeks ago, but we got some horrible storms last night...
power was out for over 6 hours and i counted 35 trees down just from our house out to the main road....
not to mention the fact that the low water bridge is well under 15 inches of water and one of the higher bridges which i usually can clear no problem is under 10 inches of rushing water....
hoping the water goes down a little tonight so the kids can go to school....not sure i can take another day of them wiht the weather as well...
sorry you are getting remains of that thing (down here in La, we are not saying the "h" word). We had it bad with Gustav and Ike side-swiped us with tons of wind and rain. It rained until about 4pm today.
Awww...Cole is such a sweetheart.
Your line on your map needs to curve a little more...it hit St. Louis too!
Its like Ike swept across America. We were considerably luckier than Texas obviously.
Glad you all are okay....those sure are some cute natives!!!
Cute photos! Little Miss looks as though she's about to be blown out of her flip flops!! :-)
Glad that you all and your car, are okay after your brush with Ike. I share your sentiments re the rescue teams in Galveston, etc. I;m praying they stay safe...
Yep, we got 6" plus on Saturday ourselves here in Iowa! Cole does look like a brave guy there in the wind. Claire looke like she's having a good time in the breeze.
My heart goes to these people. I don't know how I would handle so much tragedy......
we had some wind and rain here too...mostly wind (in PA) and it knocked down a huge limb across the street. Working for the paper, Hubby of course had to run out and snap a photo and then whine about how tired he was because it was the middle of the night and blah, blah, blah. :-)
My best friend moved to TX in Dec, and I haven't gotten her to get back to me since last week. They are in NE Texas, and I hadn't thought they'd have it too bad, but seeing your post from IN, I'm thinking it was worse than expected. Glad you all are okay.
So, Mom called yesterday morning. I was SO relieved (they are in Houston) to hear from her. Here's how the conversation went.
Me: So, how was it?
Mom: Well, we got some wind and rain.
Me: Did it keep you up?
Mom: Well, we woke up as the eye was passing. It was really quiet, and kind of creepy.
Me: So, Mom, you got the brunt of the hurricane, and you call it a little wind and rain?
That's my mom. Understatement of the century. I'm just glad they were alright . . . just like your car!
Wow...Ike is fast with his anti-love. I have a friend in Ohio who said they got all kinds of damage. What in the world???
We had some high winds here, but nothing like what y'all endured. I'm sorry. Ugh.
I must have been under a rock this weekend...I didn't even realize that it got that far north.
Glad you guys are okay...and the car too.
It is crazy how far it traveled. Glad you all are okay and it does give one perspective on what Galveston must have experienced. Love the pics. So glad your "baby" (the car) was not harmed in the remnants of Ike.
It was headed straight towards Dallas but veered off to the east just enough not to mess with us. I was amazed how far inland it kept going without dying!! That was one strong storm! I can't believe it hit you worse than it hit us.
I'm glad your new car is ok. Whew. And those pictures of the kids...good thing they didn't blog away!
First I'd like to say how cute those natives of yours are.
Second I had no idea Ike hit so far out, I have to admit I should watch the news more often.
I'm so glad that your all ok & just minor damage.
Third I have to say that's a mighty SWEET ride you've got there sister, I love it!!!
Thank goodness the roofing missed it.
Ike missed us here in Kansas! We could have used the rain, but we've had nothing but wind this summer. Love5 the 35 mph winds we had with 55 mph gusts the first two weeks of Sept. Lovely!
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