How long were your labors?
Cole-I went into labor at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday. We went to the hospital at 4:00 p.m. the same day. He was born Wednesday at 5:33 a.m., almost exactly 24 hours after going into labor.
Claire-I went into labor at 4:00 a.m. on Monday. We dropped Cole off at Grandma and Grandmpa's at 5:30. Claire was born at 12:59 that same afternoon, about 9 hours after labor started.
How did you know you were in labor?
They both started the same way...lots of cramping. Things were much stronger and quicker the second time. My water didn't break either time. I had to have pitossin with Cole but things moved pretty quickly with Claire.
Where did you deliver?
I delivered at the same hospital both times...about 35 minutes away from our house.
That would be a big yes. I had IV drugs and epidurals with both kids as soon as they would let me have them.
Nope. Delivery with both kids was pretty smooth. I had to push about 3 times with Cole and he was out. I pretty much puked Claire out. That sounds really gross writing it. But, I kept throwing up and she squirted right out during the heaving. They wanted me to quit pushing because she had merconium and they needed to get her out and cleaned up quickly before she started breathing on her own, but I couldn't quit puking!
Who delivered?
The OB/GYN I go to has 4 docs on rotation so I saw them all throughout each pregnancy. Two of my favorite doctors delivered the kids. It was just the doc and one nurse when I had Cole. But since Claire had the merconium there were 5 other people in there ready to get her cleaned and checked out. That freaked me out a little, but it ended up being fine.
Funny labor related story:
Okay, I added this one. But I felt it fit quite nicely. We brought Claire home from the hospital 24 hours after I had her. The 4 of us had just gotten home, along with my mom. I was on the couch nursing this squirt during one of her many marathon nursing sessions.

Farm Guy had taken Cole into the bedroom and they were playing and roughhousing on the bed. We heard a thump and then screaming. Farm Guy brought Cole out claiming he had just scared himself at which point he turned around and here was blood gushing from my 23 month old's head. Thankfully my mom was here and kept calm (not sure how she did that) and they loaded Cole into the car headed for the ER. Meanwhile I am still nursing my new baby on the couch, sobbing hyterically. After what felt like an eternity, they made it home from the hospital. My precious little boy came home with these:
Yep. He had to have 3 staples put in. They said he did great and didn't throw the fit you would expect. He did equally well a couple of weeks later when we had to take him in to get them removed. Such a brave little boy.
That's my story! If you want to share your labor story, link over to Shannon. Let me know if you do...I'd love to read your stories! Happy Labor Day!
Wow, thats crazy about your first son getting staples!
Oh, I had forgotten all about that little incident! his heart.
My birth stories are boring--2 c-sections. Maybe one day I'll post about them...yours is way better!
Ouch. We too have had the staples in the noggin. Never fun.
Oh, man, home with a new baby, stuck on the couch nursing and your other little one rushing to the ER. That's STRESSFUL!!
I'm laughing at your puking our Claire. Sorry.
My second one, Remy, came out so fast only nurses were there to catch him. He FLEW out, I swear. No one believed me when I told them he was coming...
I think your Mom must have been on Paxil. So the song " Five little monkeys jumping on the bed" is true.
Interesting. It's always good to learn more about your newfound 'friends'. Thanks for sharing so generously.
Good luck with school this week....
I have these hips you see. And their sole purpose is that I give birth very easily. Of course, now that I am done with babies, I am still cursed with these hips. I coulda' been a surrogate...
Great post! I cannot believe your son had to have 3 staples. Way crazy.
Awww....I love hearing other mom's stories. I haven't posted about Z's birth yet, I was thinking I would do it on his birthday this year because I have been wanting to write it down....not that I'd EVER forget it!!!
Thanks for sharing.....that would make me cry too if my lil guy was bleeding. What a brave little boy!!!
Awwww...poor little guy!!
I was in labor for about 23 1/2 hours with Jonathan. Oh what fun.
And he got glue on his head when he was 20 months old from a gash in his forehead.
Again the sarcasm when I say "Oh what fun."
What a scary thing that must have been for you to deal with after having given birth, etc.
Funny about puking your baby out though...had Jonathan come a few hours later it would have been the same case with him!
Oh! And glad you kept Jose! He looks so much like my dog...without the huge ears.
I love hearing about people's labor stories! It's like I'm a member of some exclusive club.
I can't imagine how stressful that must have been with Cole. You did very well!
Crazy story.
I left a little award for you over at my blog. It is something that you do not have yet - shocker. I think you have about all of them....
Poor little guy!
Sounds like you had decent labors and deliveries -- it was fun reading about them. :)
Hi! Just wanted to drop by and let you know, the Fill My Subscription blog is gone. (Insert sad face here.) I had to take it down, BUT I have a new blog. Different topic, but I'm back!
Hey there, I left an award for you over at my blog.
That baby picture looks just like Claire.. even a day old... she is so stinkin' cute!
I think I have the same sort of hips as Kat. My longest labour was about 3 hours, my shortest was 45 minutes. With the twins, I was only in labour for about an hour and a half.
Sounds great, being that fast, but it's also a little disconcerting. One minute you're preggers and next minute someone is shoving a squalling baby at you and saying 'Congratulations.' Takes you a little while to catch up with the flow....
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