Thanks for the concern with my salmonella/hepatitis/cootie covered gum. Luckily it was nothing a bottle of wine couldn't cure. Oh, and Little Miss is fine too. But I didn't give her any wine. I just brushed her teeth a little longer than usual. I told that story to someone in person today and the look of horror was so funny. It really was awful...especially when the d*$m Wal-Mart had me so distracted that I didn't even remember that the gum had JUST been on the floor when I popped it into my mouth. Stupid Wal-Mart.
I sat in a dentist chair for 2 hours yesterday with my mouth open while the
My new car is super awesome. I love it and am keeping it clean and mess-free. No drinks or snacks for the kids. So far, so good. It still smells new and I LOVE that. Lovin' the Sirius satellite radio too. Might just have to renew that subscription when my free 6 months is up...
School is moving right along. Next week starts our big state testing. We are super lucky and get to test twice this year as we are moving from fall testing to spring testing. We will ALL be glad when this round is over. I am so sick of reviewing for the stupid test I can't hardly see straight. I can't wait to dive into curriculum without worrying about "the test." At least until March...
Little Miss and Tractor Boy are doing a great job at daycare and preschool, respectively. Cole has "share" day tomorrow with the letter A. He has an airplane packed in his bookbag. He is super excited. He informed me yesterday that he wanted to be a farmer when he grows up. Shocking, I know. Little Miss, "I want to be a princess." I think you can check that one off your list, my dear.
Speaking of Little Miss...she will be 3 in 8 days!!! *sigh* I can't remember a time when this child wasn't 2 years old. Seriously, I feel like she's been 2 her entire life. She came out in the "terrible twos." She has been talking, walking, demanding, bossing, and ordering her way through life for...forever. How can she only be 3?! We are going to have a couple of her friends over for her first friend party. She doesn't know yet, but she does know that she will be 3 "when it's my birfday and I will have cake and ice cream." The girl has her priorities straight.
I know I promised to do Sarah's school meme. And I will. I promise. Just not tonight. It's all of 8:50 and it's dark. And I am slowly losing feeling in my hands. And my jaw is reminding me that it is time to take more Advil. And Jose is reminding me that he's ready for bed. Speaking of Jose, I will leave you with this pic my mom sent me last week. Where were these guys a few weeks ago?!

your gum story still cracks me up! And sorry about the dentist stuff. hope you feel better soon!
Hope you're feeling okay. Was it too bad? I hope I didn't give you false hope...yes it hurts, but it's tolerable. And I just missed my appt today for my 6 month cleaning...was it really just six months ago that I had my crowns?? of the many reasons I used to homeschool. And I worked in the school district I live in. I heard innumerable complaints from the teachers how all we're doing is "teaching to the Test"...and I have to believe it, as my children retain very little...just enough to get good numbers on the &^&%$#$% test so the district will look good....
If I'd had a cup of coffee with me I'd have felt as if I was sitting here chatting with ya, playing catch up from the week. But it's too late for coffee., maybe?
OOOH, beer..I want one! Have you tried Harvest Moon? It's Blue Moon's seasonal beer...yes, I know...sissy beer..
How'd I get off on that tangent....
I am constantly changing my background around. And I just went into scrapblog yesterday and FINALLY made myself an actual header. I have been using their stuff for a while and have scrapblogs for 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. I even use it to make blog awards. Im sure my header will change as I change my background as I like things to be matchy-matchy.
Great story about the sentist by the way :)
LOL I meant the gum story not the dentist. Danged multi-tasking.
I'm sorry you're still sore. :/
I can't believe Claire's only 3 too. I think she seems more like 7. At least. And cake for the birfday? OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!
YIKES about the dental bill! But at least you didn't have to write the ENTIRE check, right? LOL
Glad you are back, I was beginning to worry about you...thought the tainted gum did you in.
Hope you feel better and can get some pics of the kids soon!!! I need to change my layout too....but alas, I haven't had time either.
That gum story is too funny! I share your sentiments on the dentist...too.
I am glad to know the Wal-Mart bathroom floor cooties didn't finish you off. Love reading your blog, check it every morning, thought for sure you were a goner.
I know a little Princess who will be sporting a beautiful Princess ring on her birfday, complete with pink stone. Glad farm boy is loving precool. Love the pic of the border guards lol. too funny
I once heard that Wal-Mart releases baby powder in the air to make customers dazed and confused so they will buy more. This is true, I've decided and this is why I can no longer go there and if there is anything I need there, I beg my hubby to go for me so the veil of confusion does not fall upon me.
I love that photo at the bottom! So funny! Especially since my dog is part chihuahua!
Ewww the dentist is almost as bad as the walmart gum incident.
~envies your new car smell~
Congratulations -- you've survived the WORST part of any root canal/crown work. All you have left is the perm crown, and that's nothing after what you've gone through. I'm glad you made it through, though a little poorer for it. Don't you hate that? Blurgh.
ROFL Hilarious photo! When does that Beverly Hill Chihuahua movie come out?!
I'm glad the kids are doing well and no one is sick from the cootie gum. That still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
And, I totally agree, feels wrong to pay so much money to a dentist who gives you pain. ugh
Bummer about the teeth thing. That had to hurt.Claire will be 3? That is such an age of wonder. Enjoy it for it only lasts a short while.
Pedro looks pretty funny on the other side of the border.....
I am still laughing about the gum. No camera.. this is not good. What if your girl has a moment of incredible cuteness and you can't share it with me?
The gum is still making me laugh.
Wine does cure all.
Just read this on a blog...
As schools get back into session, Starbucks is helping to kick-off the school year for teachers in our communities. Beginning Monday, September 8, teachers of grades K-12 are invited to their local Starbucks coffee house for a complimentary tall size (12 fl. oz.) cup of Pike Place Roast™ every Monday throughout the month of September.
Educators play an invaluable role in shaping the future of our communities. It is our way of recognizing their contributions by offering teachers a special way to kick-start their first weeks back at school.
In order to receive their complimentary cup of Pike Place Roast™, teachers are asked to provide proof-of-current teacher status – such as a teachers’ federation card or school district badge. The “Great Start for Great Teachers” special offer ends after Monday, September 28.
DID YOU KNOW??? I don't drink it, but I can't imagine you're passing up free Starbucks, even though you broke up!
K-man has been bossing us around ever since they cleared his lungs in the OR after delivery. Do you ever sit back and wonder how this child got to think they're the one running things?
Nice car!! My first vehicle was a second vehicle was a bigger truck. A few months before I got pregnant, we got an SUV that a retired couple had driven 50,000 miles and kept in excellent condition. I thought, yeah yeah, I'll do this SUV thing for a while and then I'm back to my truck. Ummm...I'm really digging the space an SUV has to store stuff inside!! I still love my truck, but I don't see myself getting rid of this ride any time soon!
OH! The dentist!! I get light headed too sitting in the dentist chair! And I'm a big baby when it comes to dental work, plus I'm really hard to get numb, so I know any time I go in for work, that I'm going to feel pain before they get enough novacaine in there to actually work on me. Ugh. Makes my stomach turn just to think of it. I had a dentist tell me once that my wisdome teeth needed to come out (just because...not like as if they're hurting me or anything). I said, "UH UH! Not unless they're causing me extreme pain and even then, you're going to have to knock me out to do that." They were incredulous. Like H*LL am I going to let someone go in and start pulling stuff just because they "THINK" I need it.
Off my soap box now! :)
As someone whose single handedly paid for my dentist's cottage with my crowns, I feel your pain. Hope you're feeling better soon!
P.S. I hope to make my first header before my sister's birthday in early December. Don't be afraid to send me any tips you might have...
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