1. The weather is amazing.
2. My blog reader is down from 1,339 unread blogs to 513. That's progress, people.
3. The kids and I had a great day shopping including buying one top, one pair of pants, (with 20 and 30% off coupons) a pair of clearance sandals, and Season 1 of iCarly making the ride home very peaceful.
4. Olive Garden's never-ending pasta bowl.
5. Starbucks iced raspberry mocha.
6. The house is somewhat picked up and the laundry is caught up.
7. I found super cheap birthday party supplies and made Claire's party invitations on Scrapblog.
8. In 50 minutes the kids will be in bed and I will retire to the couch with my drink in one hand and the remote in the other.
9. Perfectly brewed iced tea.
10. Two complete strangers told me what good kids I had today.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The list of things I should be doing is staggering. Laundry, packing lunches, making lesson plans...the list is quite long.
But those things aren't fun.
Redesigning my blog?
Now you're talking.
Harvesting pineapples on Farm Town?
Oh yeah, baby.
And did I mention there are currently 828 unread blogs in my reader?
Le sigh.
But those things aren't fun.
Redesigning my blog?
Now you're talking.
Harvesting pineapples on Farm Town?
Oh yeah, baby.
And did I mention there are currently 828 unread blogs in my reader?
Le sigh.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Reason #59 Why I Love Blogging
I poured my heart out. Shed a few tears. Shared my concerns.
And you listened. To a sappy mom. Worrying about sending her son to kindergarten. Which, in the big scheme of things, is such a minor concern. I get that. But it was my concern today.

But more than that you shared your experiences, sympathized with me, and offered words of encouragement.
You helped make a sad-mommy day a little brighter.
On a normal day, the 30 sweaty and smelly 11 year olds sitting in front of me are more than enough to keep my mind occupied. I typically don't have time to worry and wonder about what my own kids are doing.
But today, I wondered. I stopped. I looked at the clock. I desperately wanted to call someone just to find out how he was doing. Was he crying in a corner somewhere? Was he getting mad and stomping? Did he spill his lunch all over his shirt? Was he locked in a bathroom stall, unable to button his pants?

There were all questions I needed answered.
But then I read your comments during lunch. And on my way home. And I felt better. And I am so thankful for those comments. And for you.
And, as most of you assured me, Cole had a good day. Better than good, actually. When I picked him up after school today, he literally jumped up and down screaming, "IT WAS GREAT!" He grabbed Claire in a big hug as she ran on the sidewalk towards her big brother. He told me all about his day. "We got to watch Clifford! I got chocolate milk and sat in the cafeteria! WE HAD TWO RECESSES! I loved it!"

Behind my sunglasses, new tears were shed. Tears of joy. I knew, then, that this was going to be okay.
I poured my heart out. Shed a few tears. Shared my concerns.
And you listened. To a sappy mom. Worrying about sending her son to kindergarten. Which, in the big scheme of things, is such a minor concern. I get that. But it was my concern today.

But more than that you shared your experiences, sympathized with me, and offered words of encouragement.
You helped make a sad-mommy day a little brighter.
On a normal day, the 30 sweaty and smelly 11 year olds sitting in front of me are more than enough to keep my mind occupied. I typically don't have time to worry and wonder about what my own kids are doing.
But today, I wondered. I stopped. I looked at the clock. I desperately wanted to call someone just to find out how he was doing. Was he crying in a corner somewhere? Was he getting mad and stomping? Did he spill his lunch all over his shirt? Was he locked in a bathroom stall, unable to button his pants?

There were all questions I needed answered.
But then I read your comments during lunch. And on my way home. And I felt better. And I am so thankful for those comments. And for you.
And, as most of you assured me, Cole had a good day. Better than good, actually. When I picked him up after school today, he literally jumped up and down screaming, "IT WAS GREAT!" He grabbed Claire in a big hug as she ran on the sidewalk towards her big brother. He told me all about his day. "We got to watch Clifford! I got chocolate milk and sat in the cafeteria! WE HAD TWO RECESSES! I loved it!"

Behind my sunglasses, new tears were shed. Tears of joy. I knew, then, that this was going to be okay.

Monday, August 17, 2009
Excuse me while I get emotional
My baby starts kindergarten tomorrow.

I never really expected to get emotional about it.

But I also never expected to love anyone so much.

And tonight? When he told me he was nervous about kindergarten? I tried to fight back the tears. But I couldn't.

Because what I want to do is scoop him up in my arms and hold him.
And part of me really wants to just push the stop button and keep him 5 forever.
But I know he must grow up and go to school.
And that he will love it. And they will love him.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Over and Out
It's over.
My summer is over.

I start back to school tomorrow.
Hold me.

Remember this post? That I wrote in June? When I had just gotten out of school and was all, "I am not fit to be a SAHM. Get me back to work!"
I was just kidding.
I just want to stay home a little longer.

This summer was short, rainy, and cool.
And did I mention it wasn't long enough?

I spent my last few days of freedom with the kids. State fair. Park. Swimming. Lunch with Aunt Susie.

And now? I have to go set my alarm clock.
For 5:00 a.m.
My summer is over.
I start back to school tomorrow.
Hold me.
Remember this post? That I wrote in June? When I had just gotten out of school and was all, "I am not fit to be a SAHM. Get me back to work!"
I was just kidding.
I just want to stay home a little longer.
This summer was short, rainy, and cool.
And did I mention it wasn't long enough?

I spent my last few days of freedom with the kids. State fair. Park. Swimming. Lunch with Aunt Susie.
And now? I have to go set my alarm clock.
For 5:00 a.m.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
John Deere Backpack Winners!
Thanks to Rungreen's generosity, three lucky readers have each won themselves a John Deere backpack! And the winners are...
Congrats, ladies! Email me with your shipping info and Rungreen will get these backpacks shipped out ASAP.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-08-11 02:00:34 UTC
Winners of the green backpacks are
#28-Rebecca at My Crazy Life with 4 Kids!
#60-Shelley at I'm Changing My Name to Ouisa!
Winner of the black backpack is number 54-Aunt Rene!
Congrats, ladies! Email me with your shipping info and Rungreen will get these backpacks shipped out ASAP.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
What I've Been Up To
*Mentally preparing for the fact that I start school in 6 days. Excuse me while I vomit.
*Enjoying a day at the spa. You know it's bad when they break out the goggles.
*Making this. So proud of myself for the lattice crust.
*Making the cutest kid food ever! Just look how clever. The kids loved it! I got the idea from here, who got it from here, who got it from here, who I am pretty sure got it from Kevin Bacon.
*Watching Little Miss and Jose do yoga. This is a pose Jose was born to do.
*Stressing the importance of dental hygiene. At least someone was listening.
*Enjoying the view.
What about you? Been up to anything fun?

CSN Mattresses-Your One Stop Shop

Happy shopping!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
John Deere Backpack Giveaway!
My good friends at my favorite John Deere website, Rungreen, have a great back to school deal for us! They are offering you, my loyal readers, 3 John Deere backpacks! Just in time for those back to school supply lists!

Even if you don't have a child going off to school this year, these backpacks are great for going on trips or for holding little toys or crayons!
To enter to win:
Simply tell me which backpack you would love to win-green or black!
Bonus Entries (all separate comments):
*Go to this site and subscribe to Rungreen's email newsletter
*Follow Rungreen on Twitter
*Follow or subscribe to this blog. (If you already do, that counts too!)
*Blog about this giveaway and link back to me.
*Tweet about this giveaway.
*Follow me on Twitter.
Fine Print:
*Winners are chosen by Random.Org. If you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*Winner will be contacted by email; be sure to include your email if it's not enabled
*Contest ends Monday, August 10, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. EDT
*Rules for each entry must be followed to be valid
*Good luck!
Two lucky winners will win this green John Deere bookbag / backpack.

One reader will win this black John Deere backpack.

Even if you don't have a child going off to school this year, these backpacks are great for going on trips or for holding little toys or crayons!
To enter to win:
Simply tell me which backpack you would love to win-green or black!
Bonus Entries (all separate comments):
*Go to this site and subscribe to Rungreen's email newsletter
*Follow Rungreen on Twitter
*Follow or subscribe to this blog. (If you already do, that counts too!)
*Blog about this giveaway and link back to me.
*Tweet about this giveaway.
*Follow me on Twitter.
Fine Print:
*Winners are chosen by Random.Org. If you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*Winner will be contacted by email; be sure to include your email if it's not enabled
*Contest ends Monday, August 10, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. EDT
*Rules for each entry must be followed to be valid
*Good luck!

Monday, August 3, 2009
The Obligatory Vacation Post
We had a great time at the dairy farm! If you are within driving distance to Chicago and have little ones, I highly recommend it!
This calf had JUST come out and was already trying to stand and nurse. Unfortunately, it kept going for the knee cap.
After our trip, we headed to the hotel where there was lots of swimming and bed jumping.

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