Thanksgiving night, my husband let Bear loose. No sign of Jackie. Hmmm.
Friday morning, still no Jackie. My husband called and called for her...went on a drive looking for her. Nothing.
Friday evening I called, clapped, and called for her some more. Nothing.
Saturday morning, still no Jackie. We were resigned to the fact that she was gone...either run off, taken in, or...worse.
Saturday afternoon my husband was with his cousin and uncle...the ones he farms with. His uncle asks, "So, did you find Jackie?" My husband replied, "No, we haven't seen her since Thursday. I guess she's gone."
His reply? "Well, I put her in the cattle trailer on Thursday when I saw she was loose. I guess I forgot to tell you."
Yes. Our dog had been locked in the cattle trailer at our house, approximately 6 inches from where Bear had been tied up, for two and a half days. Did she wimper, whine, or bark while we were desperately calling for her? No, no she did not.
Needless to say she was very hungry, very thirsty, and VERY excited to see Bear and Daddy.

The moral of the story? The cattle trailer is a great place to keep a dog...when you remember you put the dog in there.