Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

I have to admit, I would never have picked this book up on my own. It just isn't my usual type of reading. However, one of my students read it and was SO excited to have me read it. So I did. I didn't love it. I found a couple parts of it interesting and inspiring. But most of it felt a little...fictionalized to me. Sorry. Would I recommend it? Not really.
The Escape Artist by Diane Chamberlain

Loved this. I love almost everything Chamberlain has written and this was no exception. It had a great story line with twists along the way. I had easily figured it out by the ending, but it was still enjoyable to read. Definitely recommend adding it to your to-read list.
Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand
Eh. I had read another book by this author that I really liked. I saw this on sale at Joseph Beth while waiting to meet PW, so I bought it. But this one was so slow. I can honestly say I don't even remember much about it and now that I think about it...am not even sure I finished it which is rare for me. Once I start a book, I feel compelled to finish it. But this one just didn't do it for me.
Two Kisses for Maddy by Matt Logelin

*sigh* I have been reading Matt's blog since the summer after Liz passed away. I knew I would have to read this book when it came out and despite the major tears and difficulty sleeping, it was amazing. It was so well-written. It came off very similar to his writing style on his blog, but reading through his pain, loss, and suffering while raising his beautiful daughter was inspiring and emotionally draining. Whether you have read Matt's blog or not, I definitely recommend this book. Just keep the Kleenex handy.
Right now, I am reading The Midwife's Confession, as recommended to me by the BFF. And I have to say? I am loving it. I stayed up way too late last night (okay, it was like 10:15 but that's really late for me!) reading it. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Read anything interesting lately? I need to add to my to-read list so I'd love to hear your recommendations!
the bookworms library
the recommended readers blog
Just read it...
Oh I kinda like BFFs and Books. I just started Angel Sister, a random pick from the library's ebooks. But I have a real book I need to go pick up that Kat recommended...Before I fall by Lauren Oliver. It's young adult, so hopefully it will be fast. Still waiting on Matt's book from the library.
Is this our summer project???
what is the blog for the person who wrote Two Kisses for Maddy?
I found a book on the thift store shelf for $0.50 so I thought what the heck. It is called Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen. OMG. That book was incredible!! I loaned it to my sister and my (very picky) boss and they both loved it. My boss said it's probably the best book she's ever read. It's told from a 9 year old girls perspective of her life during one summer in the 1950's. There's a murderer preying on young girls and then add in the drama of a 9 year old. I highly recommend it.
I found a book on the thift store shelf for $0.50 so I thought what the heck. It is called Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen. OMG. That book was incredible!! I loaned it to my sister and my (very picky) boss and they both loved it. My boss said it's probably the best book she's ever read. It's told from a 9 year old girls perspective of her life during one summer in the 1950's. There's a murderer preying on young girls and then add in the drama of a 9 year old. I highly recommend it.
I also read Lightkeeper's Daughter and it was hard to put down. Actually any of Colleen Cobble's books are really good.
I love getting other opinions about books. It is the only reason I buy {or dont buy} certain titles.
I am also reading Matt's book but am trying to go slowly because I dont want it to be over....
I haven't read any of those, maybe because I'm stuck in the world of "The Girl"! You know, the one with the dragon tattoo, then she played with fire, then she kicked a hornet's nest?
A student of mine highly recommended Heaven is Real, on Friday, but of course, his perspective as a 12 year old boy is quite different than ours. So, I won't buy it, but I might check it out if I happen to see it :)
Might have to buy Matt's book for a summer read. Thanks.
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