I've been back for months. Okay, it's only really only been a few weeks, but it feels like it has been months.
The kids went back to school a few days before I did. Here they are on the second day of school because this mom forgot the camera.
Can you believe I have a second grader?! He's going to be 8! 8 years old. C.r.a.z.y.
And my kindergartener! She loves school. Loves it. She gets a weekly homework page on Monday to be turned in by Friday. She has it done in about 2 minutes on Monday afternoon, begging for more!
The boy on the other hand? Is doing great in school but really lives for recess and playing with his buddies at after-school care. The 6 hours of school are really an inconvenience to his playtime. And homework? Not quite as willing as his sister.
It was 100 degrees on Friday and today? A high of 62 with no sun. It was SO cold this morning! But it was definitely a welcome change. I love nothing more than chilly evenings and extra blankets.
We have a busy couple of months ahead. The little miss turns 6! this month with a party at the local gymnastics center. My niece turns one this month AND becomes a big sister! I can't wait to meet my newest niece or nephew! The boy turns 8 and they are both in a wedding next month!
Not that anyone's counting.
Yay for a post. Finally!
And why is Cole's snap and zipper undone in the upside down picture? And why did Noah experiment today with peeing through the hole in the seat? It didn't work, in case you were wondering.
It's so fun to get back to school! Cute pics!
I think that tongue sticking out thing might have been directed towards me....but I forgive you.
Fall break is for wimps. Us strong folks up here go right until Xmas.
The tildes say it all. I got it instantly, though I had never seen that one before.
Keep on truckin'--er, I mean teaching.
Great pics! Keep posting !!
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