I am forever ripping pages out of magazines, printing pictures of things I love, bookmarking websites and pictures to come back to later. And then I lose them or they get thrown away. Or I never remember to go back to those sites.
Enter Pinterest.

Pinterest allows you to "pin" all your favorite things, creative ideas, recipes to try, all in one place. My pins include shoes I must have, ideas for my classroom, party ideas...the list goes on. If you haven't tried it, do it. It's crazy addictive, but it feels...useful. Purposeful. And although it leads you to believe you need to be "invited" you can request to be added and it only takes a few hours. Click here to get started.
Oh my dear. What an enormous time waster...and yet? Completely addictive. The gist: You see a series of Google images and then guess the keyword that brings those images up.

Go ahead. Click here to play. Well, finish reading this post first. Because I know once you go over there, you won't want to come back.
Brought to you by the same genius who created Guess-the-Google, Montage-a-Google is another cool Google image time waster. You type in the keyword and it will make a montage of images based on that word. Here's one I made:

Big Huge Labs.
I may be severely late to the party on this one. But...I just discovered this site and am in love. Basically, you can do lots of fun stuff with your own pictures.
Remember the motivator posters that started out as serious?

But then ended up as fake and hilarious?

At Big Huge Labs, you can make your own!
I have also made some for school. They make great teaching tools for whatever you're studying: vocab words, content area, story elements, etc.

At Big Huge Labs you can also make magazine covers, movie posters, pop art posters, and more using your own pictures. So fun! Click here to check it out!

I hope you have fun playing with my newest obsessions. What's keeping you from cleaning your house?
Thanks, I needed something new to obsess about.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.....I thought Pinterest was taking up enough of my time. Now I have to try the other sites....................
Thanks alot.
Going to have to check all those out! I'm spending too much time on FB playing games, these sites should help. : )
Hey , I love new kill time sights while I'm stuck at the airport :)
Hi Mom- I came over from String too Short to Tie. Fun place here! My main blog is myqualityday.blogspot.com (not sure who I'm signed in as)
I use big huge labs with my classes all the time... love it! they make trading cards with vocab words and love the magazine covers. you should try flickr storm too.
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