When I watch a show, I watch it religiously.
Until 9:30.
Then it's bedtime.
But until 9:30, I am totally into it. We are currently watching American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and The Amazing Race. We will sprinkle in a little House, Bones, Anthony Bordain, and any of the 26 logger shows that seem to be on these days.
Let's talk American Idol.
I love Alexis, Danny, and Allison. I can't stand Megan. The rest? Eh.

Dancing with the Stars.
Every year there are more and more serious injuries. Jewel and Nancy were out before the show even started. And now Steve-O? I think they might have trouble getting celebrities for the show next year at this rate.
I love Shawn Johnson, the Bachelor chic, and Gilles. And seriously could Julianne and her boyfriend be more beautiful?! They are so blindingly gorgeous it's a bit hard to watch. Well, my husband doesn't have any trouble watching her. But still.
And lest we forget about him...

Moving on...
Amazing Race.
This is our first year watching this show and I am hooked. Initially, I liked the lawyer siblings. But after the episode when he got them lost and got all drama queen...I can't stand them. They are conniving, uber-annoying, and a little too "close" for my liking.
Margie and Luke are funny although I wasn't impressed when they U-turned the couple. Not cool. I think the stunt guys would do well if they had a couple extra brain cells to rub together. Not the sharpest tools in the shed.
I think my favorite couple (yes, I know they are father/son but aren't they still a couple? As in a couple of guys? A couple of people on the show? I didn't mean to imply they were a romantic couple) is the ambiguously gay duo, Mike and Mel. I am loving them... complete with Mel's ever-present groin injury. And is it me or did Mike play Ned in School of Rock. It's him, right?!

So that's pretty much how I spend my evenings. What are you watching? Who's your pick to win these shows? What did you think of Adam's rendition of Ring of Fire?