When your babies are babies, there are milestones nearly every other week. Something new and exciting is happening all the time.

But once those babies aren't quite babies anymore, the milestones become less frequent. Recently though, we've experienced a few of those rare milestones.
Cole graduated preschool and is now registered for kindergarten in two short months.

Cole took soccer lessons (his first real lessons) and did great!

The kids started swimming lessons on Saturday. I was amazed at their willingness to trust this new person in their lives. They took to the water like frogs and loved every minute of it.

And last night? Another milestone.
I will admit, up until yesterday, Little Miss had slept in a crib.
Yes, she is 3 1/2. Yes, she will be 4 in September. Yes, she is ginormous.
I did the same thing with Cole. I just didn't see the need to fight them to stay in bed and for some wonderful reason, neither one of my children ever thought to climb out of bed.
But last night that all changed. I decided it was finally time. The kids and I spent the day rearranging her bedroom, dismantling the crib, and setting up her big girl bed. I was a little nervous about it. When I tucked her in and read her stories, she got a little whiny, asking for her crib. I kissed her and told her I would check on her. Five minutes later she was sound asleep. She slept all night in her big girl bed.

I blinked and *poof* my babies were big kids.

But I'm not complaining.
As much as I loved my baby babies, I wouldn't go back. We are (knock on wood) done having babies. Very done. I understand how some mommies keep wanting more and more kids for that baby time.

But not me.
I have loved each stage my kids have gone through, but am happy with where we are now. We don't have naps to mess up the middle of our days. We don't have
pacis to remember to bring. We don't have to worry about diapers or bottles. No more colic. No more rocking kids to bed, wondering if they will ever fall asleep.
Now we can go out to eat without incident. The kids are independent and can entertain themselves. They can play with each other. (We'll talk about the fighting in another post. I am trying to keep this one nice.) They can get their own drinks and snacks. They can work the computer without help. They can play on the patio while I watch from the kitchen. They can soothe themselves to sleep.
And best of all?

Manual labor.Parenthood is awesome.