Let's just say it's a good thing I got those pills.
That lump would be Jose.
Thankfully he has quit humping Jackie, but he still loves to cuddle.
Not only is he in the house, but he's on the furniture every single day. He also sleeps under the covers at Farm Guy's feet all night long. As a matter of fact, I get a dirty look if I disturb them in the mornings. I am pretty sure he is ours now.The very best babysitter in the world came over Friday night (a 3 hour drive) to watch the monkeys. Grandma and Grandpa came over too. Farm Guy and I rarely go anywhere so it is always exciting when we get the chance. Here I am waiting for Farm Guy to get home so we could go.
I ended up waiting quite awhile as Farm Guy thought our date was Saturday so he was still at work. We eventually met up with my cousin and her husband at their house. Two daquiris later we headed out with a "to go" drink. Another blender full of daquiris for each of us. Had a great dinner at a steakhouse. Then we went to a new casino. I had never really been to a casino before. Let me tell you...I felt a bit out of place what with me being under the age of 65 and a non-smoker. Seriously. It was crazy. I've never seen so many old people smoking in my life. My eyes were burning and I could barely breathe. I managed to immediately lose $30.00. I gave Farm Guy my last $20.00 and he came back with $40.00. Woo hoo! So we ended up leaving $10.00 down which is fine with me. Another mixed drink later and we headed home smelling very much like the bottom of an ash tray.
Today we are going to a tractor show. Tractor Boy could NOT be more excited. Tomorrow will be another great day off, enjoying the beautiful weather, and putting off any hint of schoolwork until the last possible moment.
Hope your weekend is off to a great start!
After fleeing the communist Soviet Union in 1921, Russian immigrant Olga Ivanov arrives in the United States looking to start a new life.
I am entering this pic in the Tip Junkie Photo Shop contest. For more details, go here:
First, brown the sausage with the chopped onion. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning.
Heat the cream cheese until soft and stir together.
Fill each mushroom with the sausage mixture.
Sprinkle each mushroom with mozzarella cheese.
Next, spoon some bread crumbs on top of the cheese. (I used Italian style bread crumbs.)
Drizzle melted butter or margarine on top of the bread crumbs.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. (The large caps take a little longer, about 20 minutes.) If you want to crisp the top, just put them under the broiler for about 5 minutes. Just look at these babies. Are they calling your name yet?
The kids wanted a candelight dinner outside. So, that's what they got. Unfortunately the table is right in the sun so they donned sunglasses throughout the meal.I now sit drinking coffee and catching up on my blogs, trying to ignore the fact that I start school tomorrow. It's 9:03 at the moment. Tomorrow at this time I will be well into a staff meeting with the reality of the new school year slapping me in the face. It's not that I don't want to start teaching again. I do. There have been many days this summer when I thought, "I need to go back to school." But now that it is actually here, I start getting second thoughts. I hate having to get the kids up so early. I hate having to get myself up so early! Not to mention the fact that I am teaching a multi-age class this year and am nervous about making it work.
I am happy in the fact that I no longer need to pack and send a diaper bag. Cole will have his bacpack three days a week. Neither kid takes naps anymore, so I don't need to send the blankies. So cups, breakfast, and maybe a change of clothes for Little Miss is all I need. That will help cut down the stress of trying to get things packed and ready the night before.
Wish me luck this first week back. Kids start Thursday. I am glad to have a short kid week. It gives me a chance to get to know them without the pressure of starting curriculum Day 1. We can have a couple of easy, get to know you days and then jump into the nitty gritty next week.
Later today I am posting a recipe for the SITS recipe contest. I would eat this every single day for the rest of my life if I could. It's that good.
Do you see how Claire is looking just to my right? Yeah. I glanced over my shoulder to see what she was looking at. Turns out it was this.
Anyway, he was all, "Ma'am. You can't take pictures in here." And I was all, "Seriously? Why not?" And he was all, "Ma'am. You need to put the camera away." And he waited as I put the weapon back into my bag. SERIOUSLY?
The man followed us the rest of the time. Now I ask you. Do I look like a hardended criminal? A menace to society?
Sure my forehead is a little oily. And I have some wild eyebrows. And there are a few hairs out of place. Okay, lots of hairs out of place. But really...do I look like threat?
Anyway, as much as I wanted to take my camera BACK out of my bag to snap him zipping around us the rest of the day, I didn't want to be hauled off to jail.
Shortly after the camera fiasco we headed for the play area so the kids could run off a little energy before lunch at CIP. I glanced at the sign and told the kids they had to keep their shoes on. I was much relieved because Cole had on his big ol' work boots and I really didn't feel like wrestling them off and on the child. So they played for awhile. I noticed so many kids were going barefoot. I found myself giving the moms dirty looks and staring at the kids and their law breaking feet. Many of them were young, just learning to toddlealong so I thought maybe that was it. But, still. There were a lot of barefeet running around that place.
*This is where I would normally post a picture of the law breakers and their barefeet.*
Anyway. I get tired of giving all the moms dirty looks and I am hungry! So we gather our stuff and head out. I glance at the sign again.
Wait, what's that say? "Shoes must be REMOVED before playing."