Sunday, August 10, 2008

Help a girl out

I am planning to enter one of these pictures in a Summer Fun Photo Contest but can't decide which one to use. Will you help? Please leave a comment telling me which pic you like best. Please hurry! The deadline to enter the contest is Wednesday. Thanks!!







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Unknown said...

2 and 5 are my favorites, but they are all GREAT!

Nik said...

Oh gosh - I can't decide. I would say if it's a contest to find a picture that oooooozes summer, #2 and 10 are my faves. I like 2 because in the first one I didn't 'catch' the puppies...but beause he was looking back I did in the second. Plus, you can't really have fun riding around on a toy like that in the winter. #10 beause he's shirtless and the corn is so green yet not towering completely over him...that's SUMMER.

It was reallllly hard to pick though...I love them all. I would definitely frame #9 though ;>

amelia bedelia said...

Your children are precious! Hard to decide, I love all of them.

Anonymous said...

#2 or #5 or #10

cupcake said...


Unknown said...

They are all such great photos that it is hard to choose!!!

I really like 2, 5, 8, 10, and 11 for examples of summer.

I think of all of those ...# 10 would be my choice. His top is off and the corn is growing, all of which speaks of summer. Watching the corn grow .. :-)

Rene said...

I'm with everyone else -- they are all awesome! I've narrowed it down to 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9. I know, I'm like your BFF because I'm so helpful!! If I had to narrow it further I'd say either 2 or 3. Don't make me pick between the 2 though because I just won't do it, I won't, I won't, I won't! (she says as she stamps her feet on the floor).

Good luck in the contest!!

Anonymous said...

2- luv it!

Mrs4444 said...

Tough to say for sure; I'll say #1 or #2.

Becky said...


The Mom Jen said...

Number 9, that is so precious!

The Mom Jen said...

Good luck!!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I like to see the faces. Number 1 is an awesome shot. But if you want to include both kids #8 is a really good one, showing Iowa and summer and farm and really cute kids......

Anonymous said...

I'm with everyone, love them all!

But #2 and #8 are my faves....

Kimberly said...

OMG! They are ALL SO CUTE! My favs are: # 3, 5, 7, and 8.

The Nice One said...

The two, with the puppies...oh my gosh, how i love those pictures!

Anonymous said...


Mrs. Temple said...

2 and 10 for me

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Wow. That is so hard. My favorites are 3 and 10. 10 is a fabulous picture. I love pictures from behind...

Shannon said...

My vote goes to #8 or #10... but they are all great photos!

Rhea said...

My favorites are #2 and #5. ADORABLE!!

Tinabean said...

They are all so cute but I think I like numbers 2 & 8.
Good luck I hope you win.

Mama Dawg said...

I like the one with the two of them in the corn. That screams summer to me!

Deanna said...

This was HARD to choose from...they're all great! I'll pick one---- #2.

Anonymous said...

DANG!!! No way to pick just one (#2). They are all so cute (#9). Of course you should enter one with both kids in the picture (#5). I can't even decide.....I guess Russian Peasant girl doesn't really scream SUMMER, does it? :)

sassy stephanie said...

I like 2 b/c you can see the puppies better than in 1. Also like 8.

Beth - Total Mom Haircut said...

This is tough...I'm thinking 8 or 10:)

Kayla, Nic, Paige, Ellie and Maddy said...

I love them all, but Im voting for #2 and #10, that one is my favorite!

Susie said...

I'm with Deb- number 4 is my fave. But I also love 10. And then 9. 10 is great cause you can kind of see his farmers tan.

Lula! said...

Number 9 is my favorite...she's a little tree hugger! But I also like the one of the two of them in the corn. You really can't go wrong with any of sure to let us know what you decide!

absurdly yours said...

I love #1

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10!

I know...I'm no help...but they are all so cute!!! :)

Good luck with that decision!

John Deere Mom said...

Thank you, thank you!!! You guys are awesome. I am going with the crowd favorite...#2. Wish me luck!