Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mouse Hunt

While we were in the bathroom yesterday doing this,

I heard strange noises coming from the family room. I immediately grabbed my camera (as any self-respecting blogger would do) and went to investigate, leaving two nekkid kids coloring eggs in the tub.

Hmmm. This looks rather suspicious. These two don't normally get within several feet of each other.

Notice how far Jose is leaning. He is too chicken to get any closer. But Noodles is right in there after something.

ACK! She has a mouse! Eek! Kill it, kitty. Sink your fangs in.
Whatever you do, Noodles, don't drop the mouse! (Notice how Jose is oblivious to what has just happened. He is still expecting the mouse to saunter out through the barn doors.)
NO KITTY! You dropped it. BAD KITTY! Get it! Get it!

(Jose, for the love of pete...quit staring at the barn doors! Mousie has moved on!)

Now they've got it cornered behind the tractor. There's no way one little mouse can escape two savage beasts, right? (At this point, I am standing on the top of the couch holding my breath.)

(Warning: The video you are about to watch contains an embarrassing amount of grunting and squealing, as well as an appearance by two nekkid egg colorers. But surprisingly, no cursing.)

So the mouse is still at large and Jose and Noodles are living with the shame of letting it escape. Actually, they couldn't care less. But I am walking around on tiptoes knowing the stupid mouse is in this house somewhere. *sigh* The joys of country living...

Pin It!


Smoochiefrog said...

I'm assuming you were standing on the couch. Is that right?

All I know is I wouldn't be sleeping if that mouse was still on the loose.

Unknown said...

Did you have a broom out? Standing on a chair as I would be? One of the VERY FEW draw backs to living on a farm.....STINKIN MICE-EW! I can't stand em! and I'll NEVER get used to em! Happy Easter!

Sarah said...

EEWW I have goose bumps just thinking of it. We had a few unwelcome visitors this winter, in our silverware drawer! Gross Me Out!
I hope you catch the little bugger!
And I love this kids calling out for you, wondering what you are doing, hhahahha!

It's Always Something Around Here said...

Yikes......hope you catch it!!!

Becky said...

At least you have Jose and Kitty on patrol.

Eeeek!~ I don't blame you ONE bit!

Emily said...

Wow! I can't believe you were calm enough to video and photograph that! And that's way worse than my bird experience! Do you think it's mortally wounded somewhere? After all, it was in the kitty's mouth...

C and C Mommy said...

I laughed at you, BUT I can't stand mice!! I feel for you.....I have done the screaming-stomping mice dance before!!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Hilarious and awful, all at the same time! I feel your pain!

Unknown said...

I just about jumped off my seat when that mouse ran out!!!!
I have this problem with mice in the feed sacks... never reach in a dark feed sack without looking in with a flashlight first.

Happy Easter : )

Anonymous said...

OMG.....that was sooo funny! I wouldn't have been freaking out on the couch too!

Wouldn't it have been funny if the little mouse had crawled in that little toy tractor and driven off to safety....ok, that's what I kept imagining anyway. :)

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

soooo funny!! i would have done the same though:)

happy easter!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Yuck, I hate it when a mouse decides to take up residence in our house. I hope his visit is cut short quickly!

Rhea said...

That was HILARIOUS. Your poor furry hunters...the shame. The shame.

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL from the camera angle I'm guessing you were standing on something. I laughed at the whispered "stupid cat". Too funny

Tiffany said...

At least your animals cared about it to begin with. Our dog wouldn't have given that mouse a second thought let alone actually chase it! Thank goodness we don't live on a farm or I'd be in trouble!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...


Anonymous said...

You said, "OMG!"

OMG that was funny!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Noodles! What were you thinking?
I do NOT like rodents--disease carrying pests..... You'll probably smell the darned thing in a couple days....Ewwwwwww!

Minka said...

And you managed to document all that! Great post!

Caroline said...

That is HILARIOUS! I think you need to send Noodles to mouse-catching to brush up on his/her skills.

When I was pregnant with the Redhead, Mr. Baseball discovered two mice had made a nest in.our.couch. Eeewww. I was beside myself and MADE him trap them ASAP. We went away for the weekend and when we returned we had not one, not two, but three dead mice in the traps. Amen. I haven't seen one since.

I have no qualms about killing the vermin. In fact, I have a post from days gone by (Bless the Beasts and the Children) that discusses this issue.

Betty said...

You are a true blogger! To remember your camera in a moment like that! :) I would have been on the table and not so quiet as you were... !
You need a mouse trap now!

Anonymous said...

Crack me up ! LOL I liked when Jose and Noodles met at the corner of the cabinet and Jose turned and left. He knows not to mess with Noodles.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!!!!

Judi said...

They will get it sooner or later. We got four mice in the last two days. Three were living in our car so we pulled it into the garage and let the ctas find the last mouse. We live in the country as well.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

K that is FREAKY...I was screaming along right with's like a HORROR movie!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

I would be moving out until that thing was found!!!

A year ago we cleaned out an empty barn.....emptied some boxes to find hundreds of the lil buggers.

Middle child stomped on them and very proudly said "I died them Mom!"

Unknown said...

That was the funniest thing... you're a VERY good squeeler.

Teri said...

Let me just commend you on your superior journalistic skills. Even in the face of such danger, you stay in the middle and take all these pictures. Brilliant work! :-)

Unknown said...

LOL !!!

I actually read this post last night and went off to bed laughing. Once I was in bed, I realised I'd forgotten to comment, because I was laughing that much.. :-)

Merrie said...

I love love love your "O M G!" whisper. hahaha! Well done. I probably would have sworn and made the video unusable. I'm impressed.

Mice -- ugh.

Susan said...

Tell me about it! I just had to deal with mice issues! I had to call the exterminator to set traps and bait stations - YUCK!!! I think they have moved on from here though. Maybe your kitty will redeem himself and find the mouse after all!

Just say Julie said...

When I was growing up our cat found a mouse behind the dishwasher. She carried it around to show all of us, then proceded to drop it to play with. The mouse ran back under the dishwasher and she spent all night meowing at it.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I freaking hate those vile, dreadful little things! :::shudder:::

Rebecca said...

OK...I hope you are standing on a chair. That is where I would be! But I would be screaming like a girl!

Finding Normal said...

Finally watched it with sound...even funnier! OMG!!!

Michelle said...

Ok, I don't know how I missed this post, but too flippin' funny. I just love the nekkid babies running out of the bathroom, wouldn't you have died if Claire had that mouse in her hand???