Yesterday morning I call the pharmacy in a panic. I was afraid insurance wouldn't pay for them yet because I wasn't done with the pack and apparently someone at the insurance company thinks I might open some black market birth control selling ring. No. I just do not want any more of these!

Yesterday the kids and I went to a party complete with bounce house, trampoline, and swingset/sandbox combo. Let's just say the kids were quite happy. When we got home at 8:00 (way past bedtime for the kids) I was dreading walking into the house because we left it such a disaster in a hurry to get to the party on time. Yet, there was my kitchen completely cleaned. Dishwasher emptied, loaded, and a sink full of hand-washed dishes. 2 loads of laundry complete. Family room disaster of bales and tractors picked up. Trash emptied.
My husband had done it all when he got home from working. That is a VERY special treat around here and I couldn't have been happier.
Let's just say it's a good thing I got those pills.
I might have to freak out if that happened to me. I'm glad you managed to keep your cool (and kid count of 2) :)
Farm Guy is a real winner. I can't imagine my husband doing that while I'm gone. You are very lucky!
Did you ask Jackie? With Jose's antics, maybe she figured she needed them. Ya know, they don't have only one (or two) at a time. That's gotta be hell.
I take back a few of the things I say about Farm Guy ! wait a min, maybe HE did away with the pills wanting another little farm helper. Did you question him??? LOL
I bet the dogs took them....maybe they were planning a wild night!!
Hmm maybe triple up on the Trojans? Just sayin' that's what i'd be doing until I found them! ;)
HA! Not that it's funny. It's totally NOT funny. Your babies are cute though. Is that a huge Bandaid on Cole's forehead, or is my screen doing funky things to that pic?
It so doesn't feel like Sunday. Maybe because I know we have another day to enjoy.
HOORAY for a surprisingly clean house! No good deed goes unrewarded! ;)
Wow, that was sweet of Farm Guy to do! If Mr. Baseball had done that, if would have paid off big time, only without the birth control pills, cause we're still looking to expand this family.
How exciting to have your husband clean up. And that sounds like a lot that needed to be cleaned up. Are you sure that your he wasn't hoping to make a helper?
Ok that is too funny. i hope you find them so at least you know what happened!
That was very nice of your hubby.....ahem...and of you!
I would ask Jose about those pills....
LOL!! That is so sweet of him to do that!! I love it when Geektastic does things like that.
Laughing about the pills though. I'll be interesting when they do appear.
Oh, your Farm Guy is a KEEPER! He totally rocks. That would have made my WEEK. No wonder he got lucky. hehe
Seriously though, wonder where those pills went?
I know the feeling, and this is why my husband had a "procedure" done....that he insists he is the only man on earth that suvived! Save the drama for your mama!
Sounds like you have a good hubby!
My husband does that every day. Just kidding. After all that cleaning, though, you'd think the pills would have turned up. Insurance pays for BC? Lucky you!
BTW, your stuffed mushrooms were a BIG hit at my house last night :)
He deserved his treat, for sure. I'll be showing this post to my husband. He needs to know what a little help around the house will lead to.
I am just dying to know if it was Jackie that too the BC pills. OR then I thought that they would come boinbing out of someones pocket at the party. It is the hunt for those missing pills.
Also those staples - yikes. What is wrong with sutures. That looked awful, poor kid.
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