Friday, August 1, 2008


Daisy is gone. And never coming back.

I've looked out the window a thousand times today expecting to see her in the flower bed. Or in the Gator waiting for a ride. But through the tears I see she is gone.

She and Farm Guy got to cuddle one last time last night. They lay in the yard cuddling for over an hour. I am so glad they got that time together.

We will miss you, Daisy.

Pin It!


Anonymous said...

She was a very sweet, loving girl. You gave her a good home. Remember how dorky she looked when Farm Guy found her? Like some kind of weird dingo rabbit eared dog lol. Thanks for posting about her.

Nik said...

Oh dear - I'm so sorry to hear she's gone. These darn pets pull these heart strings and become part of the family and it's so hard to see them go.

May memories of her bring a smile to your face and warm your heart.

Beth - Total Mom Haircut said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. She looks like she had a happy wonderful life with your family.


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am so sorry. It's so hard to lose a pet. How are your kids doing?

Jill said...

losing a pet is one of the worst feelings in the world. I am so sorry!

cupcake said...

I am heartbroken for your loss.

Finding Normal said...

I'm so sorry for all of you. I hope the kids are doing okay with this. God bless Daisy!

Unknown said...

That makes my eyes all wet and leaky.
I am SO sorry.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to lose a pet. I'm so sorry.

absurdly yours said...

I am so sorry! It is very hard to deal with losing a pet.

Caroline said...

How sad to hear you lost a faithful pet. What a sweet looking dog. I got an email once about a little boy asking his mother why people live so much longer than dogs. Her answer was that dogs don't need to live as long as we do because they come into the world knowing how to love unconditionally while it takes people many, many years to learn how.

Merrie said...

So sorry for your loss. It's never easy losing a part of our family.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think I'm with everyone else with the tears.....

I'm so sorry. I hope the little ones are hanging in there...and you big ones too!!!

I bet she was very blessed to get to be a part of your family and run around on that big ol farm.

THE Stephanie said...

I'm sorry to hear that. Pets truly are like family members.

The Mom Jen said...

Oh i'm sorry! What a cutie she was, hope you have happy memories!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry. Such lovely photos and a great looking furry child! You must have some good memories with her.

How are the kids doing..

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I think that is that hardest, to care about something and then it is gone. I hope the kids are doing alright. Too bad it wasn't Jackie the cow.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a pet...they are truly a member of the family.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Deere Mom said...

Thanks so much for all your kind words. The kids are pretty much oblivious. They just think Daisy ran off and they are okay with that. The most difficult time of the day for us is our evening Gator ride. Daisy loved the Gator. So hopefully they have Gators in Heaven. :)

Tiffany said...

I am just so sorry. It is so great that she made your family happy for so long.

I want to take an evening Gator ride...

Jess NBP said...

HUGS So sorry she's gone.

Mamahut said...

I'm so sorry sweety, hang in there. Your in my thoughts.

Rhea said...

She's a beautiful dog. I'm so sorry she's gone now. :o(

I can't imagine losing Annie. I feel for you, I really do.

scargosun said...

I get scared when I hear things like this because I know that someday we will have to deal with it too. I am so sorry. She was a sweetie.

Deanna said...

Pets become family...and it's hard when they're gone. I'm sorry...she looks like she was a sweety and very good with the kiddos.

Maternal Mirth said...

I am so sorry. Cute little pup, she was.

If I were you I would take comfort in your kids oh-so-adorable cheeks ... so kissable!

Lula! said...

I'm so sorry. And yes, there are Gator rides in Heaven. I'm sure of this. 4-wheeler rides, too. Oh, but yes...

Tinabean said...

I'm sorry to hear about Daisy, it's hard to loose those lovable little family members.
I hope your all doing ok.
I think sometimes it's harder on us adults than it is on the kids, but I know it's sad for them also.
Hang in there I'm prayin for gators in heaven to!

John Deere Mom said...

Thanks, ladies. I get sad when we are outside and see the other 2 dogs. Then I get sad for them. Then I see the Gator and get sad for Daisy. But then the kids do something crazy and take my mind off of being sad. Kids are great like that.

Mrs4444 said...

:( Hugs to you and your family, friend...