It also boggles my mind how much the price fluctuates these days. 3 weeks ago we were paying $4.19. Today? I filled up at the bargain price of $3.69.
So, tell me. What is the price of regular unleaded gas in your area today? Be sure to tell us where you are. Well, we don't need your address or anything, just a state or region will suffice.
And if you don't tell us, I'll sic this guy on you.

Well, I was at Safeway and I used my Safeway card so I got 3 cents a gallon discount so it was $3.98 a gallon.
Gas is JUST BARELY starting to drop below $4 a gallon again here in WA (I live south of Seattle)
In Upstate SC our local Ingles Express (it's a grocery store here, for those who don't know) has it at $3.51. Holla! :)
Atlanta - Costco $3.69. Hallelujah. We just got another driver here and it is still a novelty, so she is going through gas like water.
Simply Anonymom-I need one of those gas cards!
Lindsay-Who would have thought 3.51 would be exciting?! But it is awesome!
Teach-Oh, I remember those days. Driving at all hours just because you CAN. BTW, I didn't know Costco had gas. Hmmmm.
At my local Kroger in VA it's 3.69 before any discounts. This week we had a grand opening so we actually save .15 instead of the normal .10 making my last purchase 3.54 a gallon!!! WOOHOO!
~I cannot belive I'm happy for that price, but I am!~
$3.65 in Mississippi!
Now tell your little pal on the Segway to seg his way to someone else.
In 1972, gas was 17 cents a gallon! We lived off unemployment checks of $28 a week. Pop was 10 cents a bottle. It was a different life and a different dollar...
Well, it was $3.63 in North Texas over the weekend, but put it on a WalMart gift card and it's 3 cents less per gallon.
With my monster '97 Suburban and my less-than-monster salary, it's rare that it ever gets full.....
Still $4.35 around these parts ack!
I'm afraid of that cop!
I filled up earlier this week for $3.79 in the metro Atlanta area. I remember being in high school and just putting $5 in - and that that would get me around. Then, last year, when we were moving, when we returned the small uhaul that we got (you know, for the stuff you don't trust the movers with) - they were arguing with someone who thought that putting $5 in the truck tank would sufice for filling it up.
I haven't had a full tank in ages. My poor minivan. I only put $40 in at a time. In my Arkansas town it's 3.66.
I actually found a pump that will let me go all the way to $114 instead of cutting off at the usual $75 or $100. And it still does not fill me up.
In Tex-ass, I'm looking at $3.69 WITH a 10 cent discount from buying $100 worth of groceries. That's an easy target to hit as well. sheesh
Gas is an unfortunate $3.69 here in NC. Its sad but when i saw that price at first, i thought, "wow, that's cheap". Whatever!
You know where I am. It was $3.84 here today. And I'm on E. :(
hahaha....that picture STILL makes me laugh....oh Kevin!!!
Here in St. Louis I paid $3.56/gal today.
we are in MN and at Costco today it was 3.53, other places it was 10-20 cents higher!
Ugh . . . don't get me started! $3.69 here in southwest VA.
$3.61 here on the north side of the DFW metroplex. I work in this industry and it still kills me what they charge a gallon.
$3.50 as of this morning.
And that's in Mississippi.
I did find a place not too long ago that had it for $3.46. In my town, the gas stations are in a "low gas price" war. Hey, I'm all for war when it benefits my gas tank!
Hey--you've got a new design going on here. I likey!
Gas here in southwest Virginia is $3.69. My husband loves to joke about that number. I'm gonna leave it at that.
I'm on my way to town in just a few minutes and it just so happens I need to stop for gas on the way!
I'll let ya know when I get back.
$3.82 in Beavercreek Oregon
Des Moines, IA it was $3.49 on Aug 7 and fell to $3.45 on Aug 8. That is for 10% ethanol blend.
Here in Reno, I've seen prices that range between $3.69 and $3.83 ...
The guard on the Segway still cracks me up. LOSER.
I got gas at my grocery store the other day for $3.30 a gallon, and that's the BEST deal I've had in a while. Normally it's $3.60 and up.
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